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Asynchronous java-script and XML, or its acronym Ajax.
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If you add javascript to the server page then it is possible. But it would be bad programming practise. Ideally the ajax requests should be on an external javascript file and that should be referenced by a client side page.
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AJAX is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Extensible markup language). Ajax allows continued interaction with the server while not requiring a page to be manually refreshed to display new data.
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An Ajax toolkit is a software package containing the necessary tools to add functionality to applications using the Ajax programming language. Toolkits for Ajax are often provided by companies wanting to allow developers to add functionality or their proprietary software interface to applications. For example, there is an Salesforce Ajax Toolkit, which adds Salesforce connectivity and database manipulation to sites written with Ajax.
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No, there is no need for JavaScript in normal circumstances. There is no need for any programming or scripting languages for web-based programming if you are good with html.
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you mean JavaApplet or Ajax?
I do not think you can compare java as a whole and AJAX. Ajax is a simple implementation of JAvascript .
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Unfortunately I am not specialst in AjaX, but I can advice you these online tutorials:php tutorials. There are many articles about php, AjaX and interaction between AjaX and PHP in whole.
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Ajax was a mythological Greek hero, the son of Telamon and Periboea and king of Salamis[1]. He plays an important role in Homer's Iliad and in the Epic Cycle, a series of epic poems about the Trojan War. To distinguish him from Ajax, son of Oileus (Ajax the Lesser), he is called "Telamonian Ajax," "Greater Ajax," or "Ajax the Great". In Etruscan mythology, he is known as Aivas Tlamunus.
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For websites: HTML JavaScript Ajax PHP, and you can embed application-making languages inside these pages:
Flash or Java
Other very common languages:
C++ C# C Haskell Perl Python Objective-C(for Mac programming) etc.
And many more...
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Joydip Kanjilal has written:
'ASP.NET 4.0 Programming' -- subject(s): Computer Technology, Nonfiction, OverDrive
'ASP.NET 4.0 programming' -- subject(s): Development, Active server pages, Ajax (Web site development technology), Application software, Microsoft .NET
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For an Ajax forum, click on the Related Link.
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Yes AJAX can be used in https. Twitter and Facebook are both https sites and show asynchronous data via ajax
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Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
By using the programming practice termed "Ajax" you will be able to trade data without having to load a new page. AJAX is a new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications. With it, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly.
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