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Air Nostrum was created on 1994-05-23.

1 answer

A nostrum is a medicine falsely advertised to be a cure for something.

1 answer

Mare nostrum was the Roman's nickname for the Mediterranean. It meant our sea.

1 answer

Mare nostrum referred to the Mediterranean Sea.

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The cast of Nostrum - 2011 includes: Brian Dillon as The Bosses Katerina Fischer as The Patient

1 answer

the Mediterranean Sea was called "mare nostrum" by the ancient Romans.

"mare" is the Latin word for "sea", and "nostrum" means "our", so the Mediterraneans thought of that sea as "Our sea.)

You can think of "mare" when you meet maritime, mariner, submarine.........

2 answers

Mare Nostrum - 1926 is rated/received certificates of:

USA:Passed (National Board of Review)

USA:TV-G (TV rating)

1 answer

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

Mare Nostrum means "our sea" and the Romans used the term to connote the Mediterranean as they held territories all around its rim.

5 answers

Nostrum:a questionable remedy or scheme

1 answer

Superibum nostrum est deligatis

1 answer

Guarujá's motto is 'PRO MARE NOSTRUM'.

1 answer

catholicon. cure-all. nostrum.

1 answer

"Mare nostrum" means "our sea" and the Romans used the term for the Mediterranean Sea. Once they gained control of all the Mediterranean countries, it was literally their sea.

1 answer

The term mare nostrum means "our sea" and that's literally what it was to the Romans. The Roman empire ruled all the land on all the coastlines that bordered the Mediterranean plus all the islands in it.

1 answer

First a little correction, "Mare Nostrum" means our sea, not your sea. The Romans called it "our sea" because they controlled all the territories bordering it and all the islands in it.

1 answer

The motto of Vrije Universiteit is 'Auxilium nostrum in nomine Domini'.

1 answer

The Romans called the Mediterranean sea mare nostrum which means "our sea" in Latin. This was because Rome ruled everything in it and around it. The Mediterranean was literally a lake in the middle of the empire.

1 answer

The heart of the Roman Empire was the mediterranean, which they called mare nostrum (our sea).

3 answers

A medicine or remedy in conventional use which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects

1 answer

Mare Nostrum - 1926 was released on:

USA: 15 February 1926

France: 19 June 1926

Finland: 13 December 1926

UK: 5 September 1927

Portugal: 26 October 1927

1 answer

The cast of Mare nostrum - 1948 includes: Manuel Aguilera as Telegrafista Teresa Arcos Francisco Bernal Nerio Bernardi as Enrico De Paoli Osvaldo Genazzani as John Rafael Romero Marchent as Esteban Antonio Vilar

1 answer

Mare nostrum means our sea. It was a Roman nickname for the Mediterranean.

our sea, esp. the Mediterranean to the ancient Romans.

5 answers

Municipal Borough of Wood Green's motto is 'Nostrum Viret Robur'.

1 answer

The Roman empire was centred around the Mediterranean Sea, which they called mare nostrum (our sea).

1 answer

The motto of Bishop Kelly High School is 'Nostrum caput in ano est'.

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2 answers

The words mean "lord", "our[s]" and "of Christ". They don't quite fit together to make a coherent Latin phrase: dominusis nominative (subject form), nostrum is accusative (object form) and Christi is genitive (possessive form).

A quick web search turns up one instance of this phrase (outside of WikiAnswers): in a sentence beginning "In nomine dominus nostrum Christi". This is evidently intended to mean "In the name of Christ our lord", which in correct Latin would be In nomine domini nostri Christi.

2 answers

The Roman Empire surrounded the Mediterranean Sea, which was the heart of the empire. The Romans called it mare nostrum (our sea).

1 answer

Robert Morgan Educational Center's motto is 'Occasus nostrum vela ut excellentia'.

1 answer

The cast of Mare Nostrum - 1926 includes: Andrews Engelmann as Submarine Commander John George as A Servant Hughie Mack as Caragol (prologue) Fernand Mailly as Count Kaledine Antonio Moreno as Ulysses Ferragut Alice Terry as Freya Talberg Apollon Uni as The Triton (prologue)

1 answer

A navigable body of water (such as a sea) that belongs to a single nation or is mutually shared by two or more nations. It's meaning is "our sea".

2 answers

Giovanni Di Pasquale has written:

'Vinum nostrum' -- subject(s): Viticulture, Exhibitions, Wine and wine making, Ancient Art, Antiquities, History

'Ancient Rome' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Civilization

'Vinum nostrum' -- subject(s): Viticulture, Exhibitions, Wine and wine making, Ancient Art, Antiquities, History

1 answer

The English equivalent of the Latin sentence 'Vobis erat timor nostri sed multi nostrum vos timebant' is the following: Was your fear of us or was it fear of our many troops? The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'vobis' means 'to you'; 'erat' means '[it] was'; 'timor' means 'fear'; 'nostri' means 'our'; 'sed' means 'but'; 'multi' means 'many'; 'nostrum' means 'our'; 'vos' means 'you'; and 'timebant' means '[they] dreaded, feared, or were afraid'. In other words, the speaker or writer asks whether his peers were feared for themselves or for their numbers.

1 answer

The coastline of Italy is along the Mediterranean and it was used by the ancient Romans for shipping and food.

1 answer

It means "our sea" which was the nickname the Romans gave to the Mediterranean because they controlled all the countries bordering it.

1 answer

Mussolini used the term 'Mare Nostrum' (Our Sea) in reference to the Mediterranean Sea and how it was Italy's right to rule over it.

1 answer

The Romans called it Mare Nostrum (Latin, 'Our Sea'). Occasionally it was known as Mare Internum. The Bible refers to it as the 'Great Sea', and also the 'Hinder Sea', which was sometimes translated as the 'Western Sea'.

In Hebrew it is known as HaYyam HaTtikhon, which translates to the 'Middle Sea'. In Arabic, it is known as the 'White Middle Sea'.

3 answers

Mediterranean Sea Mussolini regarded the Mediterranean as his responsibility, which he referred as 'Mare Nostrum'----Our Sea.

1 answer

"Benedictus, Benedicat"… (per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum) = "Blessed is He and may he bless [this food]" (through Jesus Christ Our Lord)"

1 answer

A nostrum is a medication which is promoted as a cure all or panacea, but has not been shown to be effective. Some examples are laudanum, freckle creams, and the Boston electrical belt.

1 answer

The Romans conquered all the lands on the shores of the Mediterranean. This made theMediterraneanthe world of the Romans. They called this sea mare nostrum, our sea.

1 answer

They called it Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) because they controlled most of the territories surrounding it and the islands in it.

Another term used by historians is to call it a "Roman Lake".

1 answer

Nice, Neat, Normal, Napa, Nissan, Nocturnal, Naptha, Narrow, Necrophelia, Neptune, Nostrum, Narrow, Noodle, Nora, Nero, Nyala, Neptune, Nero,

1 answer

They called it Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) because they controlled most of the territories surrounding it and the islands in it.

Another term used by historians is to call it a "Roman Lake".

1 answer