In the branch of mathematics called differential geometry, an affine connection is a geometrical object on a smooth manifold which connects nearby tangent spaces, and so permits tangent vector fields to be differentiated as if they were functions on the manifold with values in a fixed vector space.
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An affine group is the group of all affine transformations of a finite-dimensional vector space.
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An affine transformation is a linear transformation between vector spaces, followed by a translation.
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An affine combination is a linear combination of vectors in Euclidian space in which the coefficients add up to one.
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Euler introduced the term affine (Latin affinis, "related") in 1748 in his book "Introductio in analysin infinitorum."
Felix Klein's Erlangen program recognized affine geometry as a generalization of Euclidean geometry.
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M. J. Kallaher has written:
'Affine planes with transitive collineation groups' -- subject(s): Affine Geometry, Collineation
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An affine variety is a set of points in n-dimensional space which satisfy a set of equations which have a polynomial of n variables on one side and a zero on the other side.
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Registration between related individuals using information shared by each.
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Every plane has 3 or more. There is a projective (or affine) plane with only 3 points.
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Masayoshi Nagata has written:
'On flat extensions of a ring' -- subject(s): Rings (Algebra), Ruled Surfaces
'Field theory' -- subject(s): Algebraic fields, Field extensions (Mathematics)
'Polynomial rings and affine spaces' -- subject(s): Affine Geometry, Polynomial rings
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In ordinary geometry (as opposed to affine geometry), a plane MUST consist of an infinite set of points.
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scale, rotate, reflect, Translate(move identical image), Affine Transformation( altering the perspective from which you view the image)
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An infinite number in a Euclidean plane - which is the "normmal" plane.
Some selected numbers in the finite or affine planes (but you need to be studying projective geometry to come across these).
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Jian-Yi Shi has written:
'The Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in certain affine Weyl groups' -- subject(s): Automorphisms, Partitions (Mathematics), Weyl groups
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Derivations of the word affinity are:
affine (noun): a relation, esopecially by marriage, (adjective) related,e.g. affine geometry.
affined (adjective): related.
affinal (adjective): related by marriage.
affinitive (adjective): related to; closely connected
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P. J. Giblin has written:
'Affine invariant distances, envelopes and symmetry sets' -- subject(s): Curves, Plane, Invariant sets, Plane Curves, Symmetry (Physics)
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i can not see the Connection. Do you feel the Connection with this place?
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what is connection of the story from the connection from your life.
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Ask them for the connection details.
Ask them for the connection details.
Ask them for the connection details.
Ask them for the connection details.
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connection speed the speed in which a internet connection is measured
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there are two types of connection network: Point-to-Point Connection and Multipoint Connection
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Shirley Adams has written:
'Sewing Connection Series 12 (Sewing Connection)'
'The Sewing Connection Series V'
'The Sewing Connection Series 9'
'The Sewing Connection'
'Sewing Connection Series VI'
'The Sewing Connection Series'
'The Sewing Connection Series II'
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It depends on the connection to the server. If you have a high connection then you can have a fast connection, so you get a lot of connections. If you have a slow connection then the rate of the connections is lower.
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Simple question complex answer - if the connection is electrical or electronic then the connection allows a flow of electricity from positive to negative. If the connection is engineering then the connection is because the connection is securely closed and locked
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I found I preferred a wired connection, but others may have had different results. I did have a good connection, but I wanted a perfect connection and the best connection. The PS3 connection test showed better results for the wired connection compared to the wireless for the internet connection. For the Bluetooth wireless connection of the controllers and other accessories the PS3 is excellent
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Population Connection. has written:
'Population Connection reporter'
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There is no traditional connection, but there could be a modern connection. There is a traditional connection to the number 8 though.
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Evanna hated her poor internet connection.
Joan pondered her connection to the universe.
Bay and Jackson were worried about the strength of the connection between them.
The connection was failing.
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to make your connection with will you listen to your heart
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It lags with slow connection , bad connection or corrupted connection
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series connection
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No, you could define a plane as comprising only two lines.
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An octopus connection is a connection that has many connections. In electricity, these types of connections are usually avoided.
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Yes, you can use a wi-fi connection for this laptop. The connection will be acceptable.
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what is the connection between urbanization and Immigration
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