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addition of coefficient

1 answer

Addition of friends has been temporarily disabled.

how to solve this error....

1 answer

The noun 'addition' is a common noun.

The noun 'addition' is an uncountable, abstract noun as a word for the process of adding two or more numbers or amounts together to make a total.

The noun 'addition' is a countable, abstract noun as a word for the process of adding or joining something to something else.

The noun 'addition' is a countable, concrete noun as a word for an extension that is added to a building.

1 answer

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magnify glass

To add two numbers together

1 answer

you have to do column addition or subtraction putting it in the right column thousand column,hundreds column,tens column or ones as we call it unis

1 answer

Binary arithmetic operations.

1 answer

They wont disolve in nutin

1 answer

Addition is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, the other three being subtraction, multiplication, and division. The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount of sum of those values combined

4 answers

There are no inequalities when it comes to addition and subtraction. Both formulas are designed to secure precise and concise equations. This goes for positive numbers, along with negative numbers.

1 answer

Mathematical processes or operations

1 answer

Addition and subtraction are examples of arithmetic operations, specifically binary operations. These operations involve combining two numbers to produce a single result. In mathematics, addition is considered an operation that combines two numbers to find their sum, while subtraction is an operation that finds the difference between two numbers. Both addition and subtraction are fundamental operations in arithmetic and are used extensively in various mathematical applications.

2 answers

find a common denominator. Then just add across.

1 answer

Consider two vectors A and B Represented by directionel lines OM and ON respectively

now add the two vectors by head to tail tail of vector addition now resolve it into rectangular components as shown in figure

1 answer

The expected answer is probably difference, whereas it should be "ordered difference".

This is because addition is commutative but subtraction is not. That is to say, addition of 3 and 4 gives the answer 7, whether it is calculated as 3 + 4 or as 4 + 3.


the result of subtraction of 3 and 4 depends on whether you calculate 3 - 4 (= -1) or 4 - 3 (= 1). The difference, in either case is 1 but the ordered difference is the figure in the bracket.


1 answer

Yes and the other two basic operations are multiplication and division

1 answer

The dictionary reports that it was added to the English language around 1675 as kidnab.

1 answer

Dim int as Integerval(1) + val(1) = int

Label1.Text = int


Edit as you please.

1 answer

There are plenty of mathematic projects available to make. You could show the effects of addition by creating an ant farm and showing what happens when you have two populations that combine.

1 answer

Well, isn't that just lovely! The addition and subtraction properties of equality help us balance equations by allowing us to add or subtract the same value on both sides. This helps us isolate the variable and find its value, bringing harmony and balance to our mathematical expressions. Just remember, as you work through equations, take your time and enjoy the process of finding solutions.

1 answer

form_title=Additions & Remodels Are you looking for home addition or remodeling services?*= () Home Addition () Home Remodel What room are you looking to add on to or remodel?*= {Master Bath, Master Bedroom, Kitchen, Basement, Living Room, Dining Room, Office, Half Bath, Other Bathroom, Other Bedroom, Playroom, Exercise Room, Entry Way, Harth Room, Other} Preferred completion date?*= _Enter Date[50]

1 answer

If they're disjoint events:

P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B)


P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A|B)

1 answer

The addition of ozone (O3) to cyclopentene involves breaking the carbon-carbon double bond in cyclopentene and then adding oxygen atoms to each carbon, forming an ozonide intermediate. This intermediate can then be further treated to yield carbonyl compounds or other functional groups depending on the subsequent workup conditions used.

2 answers

USB Ports enable use of External Devices such as Wireless Network Cards & Hard drives on Notebooks.

1 answer

applicants can learn what kind of experience,qualifications,and skills are needed for certain jobs as well as the salaries being paid

1 answer



a number(2);

b number(2);

c number(2);





dbms_output.put_line(a ' + 'b' = 'c);


1 answer

Yes.If you connect the batteries in series the total voltage will be the sum of the voltages of the batteries.For example if you connect a 12 volt battery in series with a 6 volt battery the total voltage will be 18 volts.

1 answer

I don't think this can be done. Why do you want to do it without operators, anyway? It is fairly simple to use them. - Of course, you could write a method that adds two numbers, but your method will internally still have to use operators.


Reply by

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class MultiplyTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

BigInteger bigInt1 = new BigInteger("5");

BigInteger bigInt2 = new BigInteger("8");




3 answers

Environmental degradation refers to the deterioration of the environment through pollution, deforestation, or other actions that harm ecosystems. This can lead to negative impacts on biodiversity, air and water quality, and human health. It is important to address and mitigate environmental degradation to ensure a sustainable and healthy planet for current and future generations.

4 answers

If both integers is negative add them and put a negative sign in front: Sample: -4 + -5= -9 If two negatives subtract bigger with smaller (ignore the signs 4 now). Then whichever has the greater value (positive or negative) add that sign. Sample: -44 + 94 = ? 94 - 44 = 50 94 > 44 So -44 + 94 = 50 Sry if I can't explain it!

1 answer

If x=y then x+z=y+z


If x=y and a=b then x+a=y+b

The formal name for the property of equality that allows one to add the same quantity to both sides of an equation. This, along with the multiplicative property of equality, is one of the most commonly used properties for solving equations.

3 answers

solving problems on exponents and radicals have come seriously to my life didn't knew anything but when solved algebraic way like it was marvellous should just use litte brain and god for sure dont cry if you dont know.Here it goes



so, 3root 5 + 4 root 5=7 root 5

sorry since i can't find the sign of root, i wrote

1 answer

The two matrices and their answer must be of the same dimensions.

Each element of the answer matrix is the sum of the elements in the corresponding elements on the matrices that are being added.

In algebraic form,

if A = {aij} where 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n is an mxn matrix

B = {bij} where 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n is an mxn matrix

and C = {cij} = A + B,

then C is an mxn matrix and cij = aij + bij for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n

1 answer


int main(){

int a[3][3],b[3][3],c[3][3],i,j;

printf("Enter the First matrix->");




printf("\nEnter the Second matrix->");




printf("\nThe First matrix is\n");






printf("\nThe Second matrix is\n");









printf("\nThe Addition of two matrix is\n");






return 0;


1 answer

Similar fractions occurs when the denominator or the bottom numbers are the same. In this case, adding similar fractions requires you to add the numerators; the top numbers together, and to keep the denominator the same. An example would be to add 2/8 and 5/8 equals 7/8.

2 answers

Addiction to painkillers is pretty easy to detect yourself which would be symptoms of higher tolerance (taking up to atleast 8-15 pills a day), boosts of energy when taking them (instead of being drowsy on the meds), constant obsession of thinking about them, physical depency (withdrawl which would be cold sweats, diahrrea, intense drowziness, irritability, muscle jerking and actual pains in muscles), and severe depression. Luckily this only lasts a 5 days to two weeks of getting off of them depending on how many you were taking a day to how long you had been taking them for.

1 answer

In addition to the core safety programs, which of the following programs might ADSOs need to know about? You may consider safety training programs such as OSHA for those working in places such as construction and mining. This will help the workers be more organized by teaching them things such as hazard recognition, importance of labels, etc.

3 answers

dress in a profecional manner (you never know, they might want to interview you on the spot) -drivers licence and social security card just incase they need to photo copy -a pen -any information you do not know by memory like addresses and numbers of previous employers,schools you have attended,people who can be refrences,etc -and a positive attitude

2 answers

The 8085 is an 8-bit computer, with only limited capability to do 16 bit arithmetic. In order to add two 16-bit numbers, NUM1 and NUM2, together, and store the result at NUM3, you can use the code...






If you want to subtract NUM1 from NUM2, you need to take the two's complement first, by inverting it and adding one...









... and then continue with adding NUM2...





1 answer