Left lower abdominal distension often times is the result of constipation. The fecal material backs up into the ascending colon causing distension. I the absence of constipation, there could be diverticuli, a weakening in the colon wall causing a "pouch to form.
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Abdominal distension can be caused by factors such as gas accumulation, constipation, bloating, fluid retention, gastrointestinal issues, and certain medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome or ovarian cysts.
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It absolutely DOES cause bloating and abdominal distension .
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severe abdominal pain and cramping nausea and vomiting abdominal distension (swelling) constipation and the inability to pass gas symptoms of dehydration.
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severe abdominal pain, either cramping or constant abdominal distension due to the inability to pass stool and gas an extremely tender abdomen signs of systemic (body-wide) illness
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we can get distention a complication of post appendectomy if patient not mobilize , have history of constipation or have obstrection intestinal then the last cause can be complication of surgery
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The symptoms which occur due to the condition pseudomyxoma peritonei are abdominal or pelvic pain/bloating, digestive disorders, distension, weight changes, increased girth and infertility.
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The diaphragm can be elevated due to conditions like diaphragmatic paralysis, abdominal distension, or elevated intra-abdominal pressure from issues like ascites or pregnancy. This elevation can impact proper lung expansion and breathing.
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Abdominal surgery causes reduction in peristalsis because it usually involves handling the bowels manually - this is the natural response of the bowels, to stop peristalsis. Consequently, gases and fluids accumulate and stretch out the lower bowels (referring to colectomy in this case) which causes the muscles to weaken and so peristalsis cannot continue as normal - this allows more gases to accumulate. In effect, all the accumulated gases causes distension of the abdomen. one way to prevent this is using a nasogastric tube to suction out stomach fluids and gases soon after surgery.
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Because Potassium is responsible for cell membrane excitability. When it is depleted the membranes of the body do not move. The person will develop a paralytic ileus (Intestinal paralysis) and food/gas will not move through the intestines. So they get this bloated destination of their abdomen.
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No, but failure to remove them may result in distension of the jaw.
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The temporary stoppage of intestinal peristalsis is known as Ileus
The condition you are referring to is called colonic inertia.
Some symptoms include:
-abdominal pain
-excess gas
-abdominal distension
-not passing any stools for a long period of time
Colonic Inertia is a serious condition, so if you have these symptoms for a long period of time, you should contact your doctor.
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Bloat in dogs is caused by the stomach twisting around on itself and cutting off the inflow and outflow to the stomach. The blood supply and nerves to the stomach can also be compromised.
Signs of bloat include sudden abdominal distension, particularly just behind the rib cage, pain, inappetance, unproductive vomiting and lethargy.
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An abdominal wall is the layer of muscles which surrounds the abdominal cavity and contains the abdominal organs.
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A thoroughpin or throughpin is a distension of the DDF sheath in the hock region.
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Jugular venous distension is the visible bulging of the jugular veins in the neck. It can indicate increased pressure in the right side of the heart or in the superior vena cava. It is commonly seen in conditions like heart failure, cardiac tamponade, or constrictive pericarditis.
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An abdominal section is an incision in the abdomen for surgery on the abdominal regions.
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Common symptoms of splenomegaly in dogs include abdominal distension, lethargy, weakness, and pale gums. Treatment options may include surgery to remove the enlarged spleen, medications to manage underlying conditions, and supportive care such as blood transfusions. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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What is feeding issues due towards special needs?
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The abdominopelvic cavity. Also, a little bit of the thoracic cavity.
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An abdominal gestation is a pregnancy outside of the uterus and within the abdominal cavity.
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No. Eating such preparation can give you abdominal distension and pain due to the enzyme mix found in both the pickles and milk. It is like eating watermelon and beef: it will be an unpleasant experience.
On the other hand, a mix of pickles and milk can be used to clean up oily skin.
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Here are some abdominal exercises that can be done after abdominal surgery. Crunches, oblique twists, reverse crunches and pushup/twists are good exercises to do after abdominal surgery.
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Abnormal distension of a ureter with urine is known as hydroureter. It can be caused by various conditions such as kidney stones, tumors, or congenital abnormalities. It may lead to symptoms like flank pain, urinary tract infections, or kidney damage if left untreated.
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Well, honey, I hate to burst your bubble, but belly inflation in babies is not a thing. If you're concerned about your little one's tummy, best to consult a pediatrician instead of worrying about some made-up scenario. Keep calm and carry on, mama bear!
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The medical term for pertaining to the abdominal region is "abdominal" or "celiac."
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loops of the intestines the intestines and other abdominal organs or the abdominal wall abdominal organs such as the liver or bladder and the abdominal wall tissues of the uterus
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Ruptured spleen is a possible complication after a colonoscopy. Read the articles on a google search.
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some stool enter diverticulum --> get obstructed there --> causing distension --> infection --> inflammation --> may end with rupture
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Symptoms of a bowel obstruction can include severe abdominal pain, bloating, inability to pass gas or stool, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. If you suspect a bowel obstruction, seek medical attention immediately as it can be a medical emergency.
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Abdominal guarding is a natural response of the abdominal muscles to protect the internal organs from pain or injury. It is characterized by a tensing or tightening of the abdominal muscles, usually in response to palpation or movement that causes discomfort or pain in the abdomen. It can be a sign of underlying issues such as peritonitis, inflammation, or infection in the abdominal cavity.
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Any thing inside the abdominal cavity is intra-abdominal. The food and water you take is not intra-abdominal. That is extra-abdominal. So any thing inside the lumen of your gastrointesinal system is extra-abdominal. ( This way you can go to the biliary tree as well as to the inside of the glomerulus, through collecting duct. Lol.)
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Distension is the major stimulus for production of intestinal fluid in response to hypertonic or acidic chyme. The stretching of the intestinal wall triggers the release of fluid to help dilute the chyme and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients.
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the abdominal is your abs which is a muscle and your pelvis is a bone
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An abdominal section is an incision in the abdomen for surgery on the abdominal regions.
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