



Economics is the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services whether in a city, country or a single business. Questions about supply and demand and economic theory are welcome here.

37,659 Questions

What is a developing nation switching from government to individual ownership of industry?

because they want to enhance productivity as many developed country the root of their economy growth was brought about privatization.

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What are ten careers in home economics management?

Careers in home economics management include: cleaners, pool mangers, house keepers, people that fix the roof, plumbers, electricians.

Why is the opportunity cost of decision always less than the cost of the chosen good or service?

Why is the opportunity cost of a decision always less than the cost of the chosen good or service?

Demand is a flow concept justify?

Demand is a flow concept because our willingness and ability to buy is subjected to a time
period. At different times, we may have different demand schedules.

What Characteristics of a buoyant economy?

Employment are rising and unemployment are fallen

What is the conversion of resources into consumer goods or services called?

I would call it Manufacturing or in the case of services, business.

How did the model t effect economy?

The Model T brought mobility and prosperity on an undreamed of scale through manufacturing efficiencies at a price that anyone could afford. The moving assembly line created the mass-production process, which influenced the “machine age.” It also enabled Ford to steadily decrease the price of the Model T.

Enumerate the steps of economic methods?

The economic methods encompass various approaches and techniques used to study and analyze economic phenomena. Here are the key steps involved in economic methods:

1. Observation: This initial step involves observing and collecting data on economic variables and trends. Economists gather information through surveys, interviews, statistical data, and other sources to understand the behavior of economic agents and markets.

2. Formulation of Hypothesis: After collecting data, economists formulate hypotheses or theories to explain the observed economic phenomena. These hypotheses serve as the basis for further analysis and testing.

3. Model Development: Economists develop economic models to represent the relationships between different economic variables. These models can be mathematical, graphical, or conceptual, helping to simplify complex economic systems for analysis and prediction.

4. Data Analysis: Economists analyze the collected data using statistical and econometric techniques to test the validity of their hypotheses and models. This step involves interpreting the data to draw meaningful conclusions about economic behavior.

5. Testing and Validation: Economists test the formulated hypotheses and models against real-world data to validate their accuracy and predictive power. Through empirical testing, economists assess the robustness of their theories and models.

6. Interpretation and Conclusion: Based on the analysis and testing results, economists interpret the findings to draw conclusions about the economic phenomena under study. These conclusions contribute to the advancement of economic knowledge and understanding.

7. Policy Implications: Economists often consider the policy implications of their research findings. Economic analysis helps policymakers make informed decisions regarding economic policies, regulations, and interventions to address various economic challenges.

By following these steps of economic methods, economists can systematically study, analyze, and understand complex economic systems, behaviors, and trends.


  • Economic Theory: Economics, Methods, and Methodology

  • Methods of Economic Analysis - Unacademy

  • Methods of Economic Analysis: Deductive Method and Inductive Method

  • Economic Methodology | Topics | Economics | tutor2u

  • Economic Models - Social Sci LibreTexts

What is money?

Money is any object or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a particular country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment.[4][5] Any kind of object or verifiable record that fulfills these functions can be considered money.

The industrialization of a country involves an economic switch away from a based economy?

Industrialization is usually associated with a greater average income and improved living standards.

What role does the government play in the US economy?

It defends the interests of the one percent, the capitalist class.

You want the sample resume for the lecturer post?

There are literally thousands of websites that provide a sample resume. Any search engine will display these.

Many word processing programs have them as standard, Microsoft Word for example.

How does an unanticipated decline in the price level cause a drop in lending?

An unanticipated decline in the price level can lead to deflation, decreasing the value of collateral that borrowers provide for loans. As the value of collateral drops, lenders may become more risk-averse, leading to a decrease in lending activity due to concerns about the ability of borrowers to repay their loans. Additionally, deflation can also dampen economic activity, reducing the demand for loans from businesses and individuals.

What is the function of aluminium industry in Mexico country?

The aluminium industry in Mexico plays a crucial role in the country's economy by contributing to industrial growth, creating employment opportunities, and fostering innovation in manufacturing processes. It also serves as a key supplier of aluminium products for various sectors such as automotive, construction, and packaging, further driving economic development and international trade relationships.

What is the relationship between biology and economic development?

Biology impacts economic development by influencing human health, agricultural productivity, and environmental sustainability. Understanding biological processes can lead to advancements in medicine, food production, and renewable energy, all of which are crucial for economic growth. Additionally, healthy ecosystems and biodiversity are essential for supporting industries such as ecotourism and pharmaceuticals.

How has copper been important to Canadian economic development?

Copper has been important to Canadian economic development due to its use in various industries such as construction, electronics, and transportation. Canada has significant copper reserves and production, contributing to employment, trade, and investment in regions with copper mines. The export of copper and copper-related products has also played a role in Canada's international trade and economic growth.

What are good and bad points about natural levees?

Good: Natural levees provide some protection against flooding by acting as barriers that can contain the flow of water during high water levels. They can also provide fertile soil for agriculture due to sediments deposited during floods.

Bad: The presence of natural levees can sometimes give a false sense of security, leading to development in flood-prone areas behind the levees. If the levees are breached or overtopped, the flooding can be more severe and destructive due to the concentration of water flow.

What are the difference between economy and geography?

Economy refers to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a region or country, focusing on factors like inflation, employment, and GDP. Geography, on the other hand, deals with the physical features of the Earth such as landforms, climate, and natural resources, and how they influence human activities. In simple terms, economy is about money and resources, while geography is about the Earth's physical environment.

What is the economic importance of mineral oil?

Mineral oil is economically important as it is used in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, lubricants, and food processing. It serves as a raw material for producing products like motor oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, and petrochemicals. Its versatile properties make it valuable for a wide range of applications that contribute to economic growth and development.

What did the non-Western lands contribute to the global economy?

Non-Western lands contributed goods such as spices, silk, and tea to the global economy. They also played a significant role in the development of trade routes, like the Silk Road, which connected Asia with Europe and Africa. Additionally, non-Western lands introduced new technologies and innovations to global trade, such as papermaking and gunpowder.

What does the term industrial linkage means?

Industrial linkage refers to the relationships and connections between different industries within an economy. These linkages can occur through the production process, supply chains, or shared markets. Understanding industrial linkages is important for economic analysis and policy-making to identify opportunities for growth and development.

How much does titanium cost per 1 gram?

The cost of pure titanium is $661 per 100g, so for 1 gram it is $6.61.

What is the total value of goods and services produced in a country during a given priod?

The total value of goods and services produced in a country during a given period is known as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is a key indicator of a country's economic performance and is often used to gauge the size and health of an economy.

What are the economic importance of the roots of the plants?

Roots of plants play a crucial role in nutrient and water uptake from the soil, which is essential for plant growth and productivity. They also help in soil stabilization, erosion control, and carbon sequestration. Additionally, roots contribute to the overall health of ecosystems by supporting microbial activity and nutrient cycling in the soil.