Fr. is the abbreviation for Father. For example, Fr. Norman Smith is a short version for Father Norman Smith.
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There were several Catholic missionaries during the 1800s which i am currently studying my thesis on, to name some; Fr. De Smet, Fr. Broulliet, Fr. Point, Fr. Augustine Laure and Fr. Victor Garrand.
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FR fabric divided in fiber FR and after treatment FR, for the latter one ,it's divided to one time FR and forever FR.
The fiber FR, named forever FR fabric, it is treated on the fabric making preparation stage, mainly using FR fiber weave to gray cloth, which FR effect is never ever changeable. It 's snarls , carbonization while facing the fire, and distinguished while away from the fire, non-melt and non-smoking, will not cause second fire disaster, usually it used on FR clothing material.
One time FR fabric is normal fabric treated on the after dyeing treatment, which have the big problem of the FR effect will vanish or decline after one time washing, generally applied in seldom washing products, such as hotel curtain.
Durable FR fabric usually using Proban production craft, what agent used is one durable after treatment FR agent applied on cotton fiber and other blended fiber. Its main character is that after using this agent treated, the fabric will have great FR effect after washing 50 times.
This three kind of FR fabric 's original FR property is no such big difference, just after one time washing, the one-time FR fabric's FR property will vanish.
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FL+ to FR- or FL- to FR+ and do the same for the back or you can bridge
FL and BL or FR to BR
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The abbreviation for French is "FR" which stands for France.
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On Facebook when you see the word fr-fr and u try to understand it like i had done for a couple of days here is the definition the word fr-fr means Forreal - Forreal .
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Fr Schroeter has written:
'Quaestiones Horatianae'
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2011-fr. neil dargan and fr. colm hogan
Fr. Colm Hogan currently
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word is that only 100 she devil FR's were made. you can still find the she devil on sites with out the FR but your best chance at finding a she devil FR is by checking ebay everyday.
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FATA consists of seven autonomous agencies: Kyber, Kurram, Orakzai, Mohmand, Bajaur, North and South Waziristan. It also includes 6 Frontier Regions - FR Bannu, FR Kohat, FR Tank, FR DI Khan, FR Lakki Marwat and FR Peshawar. (Division of areas by agency, teshil, subdivisions at the end of the document)
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The only way to get volt tackle is to capture allot of pikachus and there will be a 5% chance of them holding a item called light ball then breed two pikachu and make the female one hold a light ball then the egg will be a pichu with volt tackle but in FR/LG you can only get a light ball is through trading with ruby Sapphire or emerald
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Nope, if you buy 10 of any pokeball in FR or LG you get 1 permire ball but other wise no. Exact same as leaf green
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Fr. Saturnino Urios University was created in 1901.
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The use of hotmail fr is used by person in the country of France. The hotmail fr is something that lets you know they are in France and not some other country.
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No, not at all. Fr is only artificially made as unstable isotopes with half-life times 4.8 and 21 minutes (Fr-221 and Fr-223 respectively)
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.fr is the country code top-level Internet domain for France.
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The ending .fr indicates that the website is at least hosted, if not run, from France
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Yes , Fr is an alkali metal. It is placed in group-1
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Fr. W. Hoppenstedt has written:
'Franz Brentanos Kantkritik ..'
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FR Izquierdo i Alcolea has written:
'Formulari Comercial Catala'
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FR --> Fire Retardant
FRLS-->Fire Retardant low smoke
When ever wire gets fire Fr wire emit more smoke where as FRLS wire emits low smoke than the FR wires...
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friend. because to be a good friend you have to consider more than yourself.
fr- i- end. Iend get it?
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Fr. John Berchmans Puthuparambil died on 1987-03-12.
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Catholic priests are not allowed to marry. So no, Fr Julian was not married.
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The motto of Fr. Saturnino Urios University is 'Luceat Lux Vestra'.
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