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If you hang around investment people long enough you’re bound to hear them talk about the quest for alpha. There’s even a popular website devoted to investment news and information called Seeking Alpha ( But what is alpha?

Alpha is a risk-adjusted measure of a portfolio manager’s performance. In other words, it represents the amount of portfolio returns attributable to the portfolio manager’s decisions above and beyond that of normal market fluctuations. So when an investor is saying they’re looking for alpha, they really are saying that they’re searching for an investment professional that can provide positive returns by her decision-making ability.

Of course, there is a formula for calculating alpha, and many folks get into that sort of thing when analyzing their portfolios. Honestly, calculating alpha is beyond the scope of this article, I just wanted you to have some idea what people are talking about when they throw out the term.

The important thing to know is that alpha provides a metric with which you can evaluate the risk-adjusted value added by a portfolio manager. It’s important to take this metric into consideration when thinking about the fees paid to the manager. Were the returns, in the sense of alpha, worth the fees? Alpha can tell you if the manager is taking undue risk for the amount of returns you see. If your fees are high, and your risk is high for the amount of return you receive, you may want to shop around for a more conservative manager who can provide the same level of returns for much less risk.

Evaluating the alpha of a portfolio manager has been compared to reading up on the fuel economy of different vehicles before deciding which one to purchase. And I think this is a good analogy; after all, since alpha gauges risk-adjusted returns it gives you a good idea just how efficient your investment professional is.

2 answers

They are secret

1 answer

Yes Alpha Kappa Alpha is requiring background and credit checks to ensure lifelong members

1 answer

my mama is my alpha and omega

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

Yes, alpha radiation is an ionizing radiation.

1 answer

Alpha= beginning Omega=End

1 answer

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta are the letters of the police alphabet.

e.g. Alpha=A


1 answer

this is onlyfor sisters of Alpha Phi to know

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Something you learn when you have theprivilegedof membership

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Alpha particle strike to a substance introducing a + charge.

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gama radiation is uncharged. Alpha is positive and beta is negative.

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Alpha fetoprotein is elevated when there are neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

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The alpha particle has a charge of +2e, where e is the elementary charge of a proton. This means the alpha particle has a positive charge of twice the charge of a single proton.

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Alpha keratin is a protein present in hair,wool,nails, horns,hooves of mammals

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If you're not an Alpha Phi then you don't need to know. It is a secret motto revealed upon initiation.

1 answer

I'm assuming this is part of this:

India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha Tango Uniform Sierra

Look at the first letter of each word and you'll get it.

1 answer

Alpha decay emits an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. Beta decay emits either an electron (beta minus decay) or a positron (beta plus decay).

2 answers

Yes that is correct in the Greek alphabet alpha is at the start and omega is at the finish. First to last

3 answers

Alpha Centauri is a binary, possibly triple, star system

See related link for a pictorial.

1 answer

Alpha particles are emitted from the nucleus at high speeds, typically around 5-10% of the speed of light. They move with such energy due to the strong repulsive force between the positively charged alpha particle and the remaining nucleus.

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The Alpha Centauri system is about 4.2 light years away. The closest star is actually Proxima Centauri.

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In a pack dynamic, an alpha dog is the most dominant and assertive, usually leading the pack and making decisions. A beta dog is more submissive and tends to follow the lead of the alpha dog. These terms are based on outdated theories of dominance in dog behavior and are not always accurate representations of a dog's personality.

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they are positively charged particles and atomic nuclei are also positively charged. Like charges repel each other according to the electrostatic force, causing the alpha particles to be repelled by atomic nuclei.

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No one knows what the Alpha secret handshake is except the people who are in the group. This is because only members ever learn the handshake, and they are forbidden to tell outsiders.

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discovery of the atom's structure

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Alpha particles are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons emitted during radioactive decay, while beta particles are electrons (beta-minus) or positrons (beta-plus) emitted during the decay of a neutron-rich or proton-rich nucleus, respectively. Alpha particles are larger, heavier, and carry a greater charge compared to beta particles.

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Alpha means there are more then one unit ie: Vice, so one would be for example 6152A and the other would be 6152B and if they have a supervisor he would be 6152

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Polonium-210 is an alpha emitter with a half-life of about 138 days. Its decay rate, or how fast it emits alpha particles, is a constant process determined by its decay constant, which is approximately 5.3 x 10^−9 per second.

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Selenium-78 undergoes alpha decay by emitting an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. During this decay process, the nucleus of selenium-78 transforms into a new nucleus with an atomic number 2 units less and a mass number 4 units less than the original selenium-78 nucleus. This decay is a spontaneous process that helps the nucleus achieve a more stable configuration.

4 answers

Alpha and beta particles of nuclear radiation are similar because they both involve the emission of charged particles from the nucleus of an atom. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, while beta particles are high-energy electrons.

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Alpha Epsilon Phi is a sorority founded by seven Jewish women on October 24, 1909 at Barnard College in Harlem, New York City. It is a national sorority and has many chapters across the United States.

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Transmutation, which is the change of atoms from one element to another.

5 answers

That's a very vague question, but if it's the theory you're after;

If a nucleus is heavy (>82 protons, generally at A2 level) it will emit an alpha particle. For example,

238U --> 234Th + 4α + 0νe

_92______76___ 2___0

In this emission, Uranium-238 is the parent nucleus. It emits an alpha particle, which has 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Thallium-234 is the daughter nucleus. The other thing is a neutrino. It is a lepton, and is there to balance the lepton number.

Apologies for the big black line, but it's the only way I could get wikians to play nicely.

4 answers

It had a bad rating, but if you asked me, I thought it was pretty good. You should watch it.

1 answer

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

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Gamma rays are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Alpha Phi Alpha's motto is 'We Shall Transcend All'.

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Alpha Sigma Alpha's motto is 'Aspire, Seek, Attain'.

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Alpha Chi Alpha was created on 1963-05-21.

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Alpha Chi Alpha's motto is 'Fidelis et Suavis'.

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Alpha Kappa Alpha was created on 1908-01-15.

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Alpha Sigma Alpha was created on 1901-11-15.

2 answers

1. How is the secret alpha phi alpha Handshake done? 2. What is if any the secret password for alpha phi alpha? 3. How many white members are there in alphi phi alpha?

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Alpha Blondy is the uncle of Dula Alpha

1 answer