Julius Caesar took control of Rome in 46 BC.
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There were three temporary months added to the year 46 BC because Caesar wanted to return the months to their normal seasons
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Julius Caesar took control of Rome in 46 BC.
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Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for ten years in 46 BC.
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The concept of BC (Before Christ) as used in dates, only became relevant after the birth of Christ.
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Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
Cleopatra was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. This was in order to formally be enrolled as an ally of Rome and to sort out the details. She was again in Rome in 44 BC. It is thought that she needed to be there as the senate was considering a repartition of the empire and it could have effects on Egypt.
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46 min (40.0 km) via 152 St and Trans-Canada Hwy/BC-1 W
Therefore, 40 kilometres.
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The calendar used in Rome from 45 BC through AD 1581 is the Julian Calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC.
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Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
Caesar was appointed dictator four times. The first was in 49 BC and he was reappointed in 48 BC. In 46 BC he was appointed dictator for ten years. Here is where a little confusion enters, in 45 BC he was appointed dictator for life, while in 44 BC he was appointed perpetual dictator. These last two appointments seem to be the same thing with different names.
4 answers
Julius Caesar was apponted dictator four times: in 49 BC (he resigned after 11 days), in 48 BC (for an indeterminate period and he seems to have held it for one year), in 46 BC (for ten years) and in 44 BC (for life),
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Sosigenus fixed the Roman Calendar
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Remembering that there was no year zero, it was 50 years.
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Assume it is still 2012 where you are.
2012 + 46 = 2058
= 514.5 leap years
================call it 515 leap years
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Julius Caesar took control of Rome in 46 BC.
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March 1.
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Julius Caesar held many offices. He was elected consul twice (in 59 BC and 49 BC) and dictator four times (49 BC to preside over his election as consul and resigned after 11 days; 48 BC for an indefinite period; 46 BC for 10 years; and 44 BC for life). He was made a permanent plebeian tribune in 48 BC. In 46 BC he gave himself the title "prefect of the Morals" which was a new office in all but name because it was very similar to the previous office of censor. Julius Caesar was also the quaestor of Hispania Ulterior (Further Spain) in 68 BC, governor of this province in 60 BC and Governor of Gallia Cisalpina northern Italy) Gallia transalpine (southern France) and Illyricum coastal Croatia) from 59 BC to 50 BC. In 63 BC he was the Pontifex maximus, the chief priest of Roman state religion and in 62 BC he was a praetor.
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It is important to verify the authenticity of the coins and the dating method used by the archaeologist. Gold coins from 46 BC could be historically significant and valuable, but further research and expert assessment would be needed to confirm their origin and age.
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Julius Caesar made calender in 46 BC. But modified by Christians 1582. Hope this helps.
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The Julian Calendar was created by Julius Caesar. It was introduced in 46 BC. The calendar began to be used on January 1, 45 BC, and was used until replaced with the Gregorian Calendar in 1582.
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Vernon is 29 miles or 46 kms. North of Kelowna It will take you approx. 40-45 minutes to travel from the north edge of Kelowna to the south edge of Vernon.
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The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
The times that Cleopatra was in Rome, she stayed as a guest in Caesar's villa across the Tiber. She was summoned to Rome in 46 BC. She was also there in 44 BC. It's the general thinking that she made two trips to Rome, as it would not make sense for her to stay away from her new kingdom for almost two years.
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Google Maps estimates the driving time as 12 hours and 46 minutes.
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Julius Caesar established January 1 as New Year's Day in 46 BC.
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No it did not. First of all, there was no year zero. Secondly, the Gregorian Calendar was not created until 1582 AD, as an update to the almost identical Julian Calendar. It existed since what would now be regarded as 46 BC, though obviously the term BC was not used then. It used a system counting from the foundation of Rome, labelled AUC and the year we call 46 BC was 708 AUC. Neither Julian nor Gregorian Calendars have a year zero in their calculations. 1 AD immediately follows 1 BC.
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the drums were introduced into the orchestra in 46 bc when jesus and moses decided to form a rock band. They did it to get all the girls in Jeruselum
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They didnt follow any form of government all they did was have sex
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If it is an isosceles triangle then side BC is 15cm and side AC is 15m
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Assuming that AB and AC are straight lines, the answer depends on the angle between AB and AC. Depending on that, BC can have any value in the range (22, 46).
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It made it possible for Caesar to introduce the Julian calendar.
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Up to 107 BC there was a levy which included only peasant/proprietors who a property value above an certain threshold. After the Marian reforms of the army in 107 BC any Roman citizen of military age (17 to 46) could volunteer to join the army.
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North latitude is 49hr 36 min and 37 sec ,west longitude is 115 hr 46 min 57 sec.
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King Croesus of Lydia (c. 560-546 BC) produced gold and silver coins. After that point they were produced by many cultures including the romans, Greeks and Alexander the Great.also queen braxton made gold and silver coins (660-646b.c)
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Julius Caesar had himself appointed dictator for life in 44 BC, one month before his assassination, The was appointed dictator in 49 BC and resigned after 11 days, after he presided over his own election as consul, dictator for an indefinite period in 48 BC and dictator for 10 years in 46 BC.
5 answers
The distance between Calgary, AB, Canada, and Revelstoke, BC, Canada is 407km and will take about 4 Hours 46 Minutes of driving time.
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I'm not sure that he invented anything in 44 BCE, however, he did introduce the Julian Calendar, which is the calendar we still use today, in 46 BCE.
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The First Temple was built under King Solomon (King Davis's son) and completed in BC 967.
The Second Temple was built by Harod the Great and was started in BC 20 and was completed 46 yr later. The Wailing Wall is a part of the Harodian Temple.
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Although it is uncertain when food was originally introduced to the Italian peninsula, most historians agree that food predates the Roman Empire by thousands, if not millions of years.
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46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
46 days.
2 answers
Since 46 is a factor of 92, it is automatically the GCF of 46 and 92
4 answers