



A truly healthy person has a sound body and mind that is free of disease and infirmity. Healthy living includes taking the steps needed to optimize one's chances of surviving and thriving, like eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Questions relating to all aspects of health and living a healthy life are welcome here!

500 Questions

Can trauma cause an infarct in the brain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Infarction is a state of tissue death due to no blood supply to that area. A trauma to any area of the body can cause the obstruction of blood flow to that area, hence causing an infarction.

Though the brain is heavily protected, brain infarction can occur.

Why is it important to under take physiological measurements?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physiological measurements provide valuable information about the functioning of the body, which can help identify health conditions, monitor progress during treatment or training, and personalize interventions. These measurements can offer insights into an individual's overall health status and guide decision-making for healthcare providers.

How can stress change physiological measurements?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stress can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and release stress hormones like cortisol, impacting the body's overall response. It can also affect blood glucose levels, digestive processes, and immune system function, leading to potential long-term health implications if stress is chronic or severe.

Why do you picture yourself hurting people when you look at them it a lot of different ways you could hurt them and kill them?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to recognize that these thoughts are not reflective of who you are as a person. Intrusive thoughts like this are more common than you may think and can be a symptom of anxiety or other mental health issues. It's important to seek help from a mental health professional to address these thoughts and learn coping strategies.

Where do short term memory receives information from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Short-term memory receives information from sensory memory, which processes information from our senses such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This information is then briefly held in short-term memory for a short period of time before it is either forgotten or transferred to long-term memory for storage.

Why do hormones cause teens to engage in specific high risk behaviors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hormones can influence teens to engage in high-risk behaviors by affecting brain development and the reward system, leading to impulsivity and sensation-seeking tendencies. Additionally, hormonal changes can influence emotions and increase susceptibility to peer influence, further contributing to risky behavior during adolescence.

Why do people enable?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may enable others out of a desire to help or protect them, even if the behavior ultimately harms the person. Enabling can also be a way to avoid conflict or difficult situations. It's important for individuals to recognize enabling behavior and set boundaries to encourage healthier patterns.

What model of memory represents information as flowing from one system to another?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Modal Model of Memory, also known as the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, represents information flowing from sensory memory to short-term memory and then to long-term memory. This model describes how information is transferred and processed between different memory systems.

Is strong in mind different to strong in body and will it show differently?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, being strong in mind refers to mental resilience, intelligence, and emotional stability, while being strong in body refers to physical strength and endurance. These traits can manifest differently; for example, someone strong in mind may demonstrate problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence, while someone strong in body may display physical prowess and stamina.

How does injury affect someone intellectually?

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Asked by Wiki User

Injury can affect someone intellectually by causing cognitive impairments such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and slower processing speed. Depending on the severity and location of the injury, it can impact various cognitive functions, including problem-solving skills, language abilities, and executive functioning. Rehabilitation and therapy can help individuals recover and improve their cognitive function after an injury.

What is the neurotransmitter that drugs increase that is responsible for pleasurable feelings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that drugs increase, leading to pleasurable feelings. It plays a key role in the brain's reward system and is associated with motivation, reinforcement, and pleasure.

What are your strengths and challenges with regards to online learning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strengths: Ability to provide focused and concise information, adaptability to various learning platforms, availability for instant access.

Challenges: Limited ability to observe body language and cues for engagement, potential for technical difficulties affecting communication, difficulty in fostering a personal connection with learners.

What is the most likely reason for not being able to handle social situations well once someone becomes somber?

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Asked by Wiki User

Feeling somber can lead to decreased social energy and emotional withdrawal, making it harder to engage effectively in social situations. This shift in mood may result in reduced communication and interaction with others, leading to difficulty in handling social interactions. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and give yourself time and space to process them before engaging in social interactions.

How does emotional duress differ from physical duress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emotional duress refers to psychological distress or pressure, such as threats, manipulation, or intimidation, that is used to coerce someone. Physical duress, on the other hand, involves the use of force or violence to compel someone to do something against their will. Both types of duress can have serious impacts on an individual's well-being and ability to make free choices.

What major factors seem to influence the nature and extent of a person's susceptibility to stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some major factors that influence a person's susceptibility to stress include genetic predisposition, coping mechanisms, support system, past experiences with stress, lifestyle factors (such as diet and exercise), and the presence of underlying mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Environmental factors like work environment, relationships, and socioeconomic status can also play a role in determining one's susceptibility to stress.

What is it called when you think messages do not affect you but affect others?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is known as the Third-person effect, a phenomenon where individuals believe that media messages have a greater influence on others than on themselves.

How do organization skills help students?

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Asked by Wiki User

Organization skills help students by improving time management, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. Students who are organized are better equipped to plan and prioritize their tasks, leading to better academic performance and overall success.

Why are some people's brains brainier than others?

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Asked by Wiki User

Variations in braininess can be attributed to a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Factors such as genetics, education, cognitive stimulation, and access to resources can all contribute to differences in cognitive abilities among individuals. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, sleep, and mental health also play a role in brain development and functioning.

How do you adapt to a new school?

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Asked by Wiki User

To adapt to a new school, try to make new friends, get involved in clubs or activities, and ask questions if you need help navigating the school. Be open to new experiences and stay positive. Remember that it's normal to feel apprehensive at first, but over time you'll become more accustomed to your new environment.

What are the social needs of a teenager?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teenagers have social needs such as a sense of belonging and acceptance from peers, opportunities to build friendships and develop social skills, and the need for independence and autonomy while still feeling supported by family and adults. They also crave social interactions that provide validation, positive feedback, and emotional support as they navigate the challenges of adolescence.

What test do doctors use to study brain wave activity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Doctors use an electroencephalogram (EEG) to study brain wave activity. This test involves attaching electrodes to the patient's scalp to measure electrical activity in the brain. EEGs are helpful in diagnosing conditions such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and brain injuries.

Is it true or false that being emotionally healthy helps us to be socially healthy?

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Asked by Wiki User

True. Being emotionally healthy allows us to form positive relationships with others, communicate effectively, and handle social interactions in a constructive way. This in turn can contribute to our overall social health and well-being.

Which life events may affect an individuals emotional and social well being?

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Asked by Wiki User

Life events such as loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, relocation, or major illness can impact an individual's emotional and social well-being. These events can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and affect one's relationships and social interactions. It is important for individuals to seek support and coping mechanisms during these challenging times.

Why is trauma to the base of the brain often more dangerous than to the frontal lobe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trauma to the base of the brain can be more dangerous because it can affect vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and consciousness. The brainstem, located at the base of the brain, controls many essential body functions. In contrast, trauma to the frontal lobe may primarily affect cognitive functions and behavior, which may be less immediately life-threatening.

Why is the principle of self-government important to maintaining good health?

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Asked by KaytlynBrown

The principle of self-government is important for maintaining good health because it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being. By taking responsibility for their health choices, individuals are more likely to prioritize healthy habits and seek out medical care when needed. This self-awareness and autonomy can lead to better health outcomes in the long run.