

Best Answer

There not. Its who dosent undertand the answers who are stupid.

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Q: Why is the Answers website so smart?
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What are the uses of a website?

The uses of a Wiki website is so you can get the answers you need by smart people.

Is this website not smart?

Dude This websit is for answers so shut up

Who likes this website anyway?

People. people who need answers on questions! and answer the questions that haven't been ANSWERED Well.. the people who actually like this website are smart. THis webstie gives a lot of answers for my homework. So yea.

Why is this website so smart?

Cuz it wants to be

Why are these answers so cheesy?

These answers are "cheesy" because a lot of dumb people are answering the questions and not smart people.

Did you have a website of answers to quia?

there is really not a website so i guess you would have to cheat off a neighbor to get all answers.

Why is your website so pathetic?

Because our website has answers to peoples questions. Why is yours so pathetic?

Why do people give st answers on this website?

So that other people can know the answers.

Why are there so many incorrect answers on Answerscom?

because anyone can put answers on the website.

Why are so many of the answers on Answers naff?

cauze many ppl need those answers for some thing important like projects or for work there is the answer now leave me alone i am so smart

Do they have any answers on this website?

yes they do this is an answer and question website. The problem is, is that everything that I look at doesnt have the answers to it. So I have to guess, and if I get them right I stick them on this website so other people DO NOT have to go through what I go through.

What website is good for losing weight?

This website. Answers/Wiki.Answers is a very good website for losing weight. We work hard to make it so. We have all the answers here. Hence our name. Ask as many questions as you like, you are welcome to do so, and the answers will appear.