English is the international language. Therefore, it is important in business so as to be able to communicate effectively with business prospects, customers, and suppliers from around the world. Being able to speak, read, and write in the English language will allow a wider scope of business and higher chances of business expansion.
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If English is not your first language, learn it fast. English is the new world language and is spoken world-wide. Other languages that you may want to consider are: * French (Useful in Europe, Caribbean Islands, South America) * German (Useful in Europe) * Spanish (Useful in Europe, North America, South America, South Pacific) * Mandarin (Useful in Asia) * Cantonese (Useful in Asia) * Japanese (Useful in Asia)
English is important in this world because a lot of the major places speak it. For instance, Europe and the Americas speak it. And because when the early explorers explored in the early days, they claimed some places for english-speaking places. Now it is a custom for everybody to learn english.... Everybody speaks it!
Is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries. English is very much important in our life. It is necessary in each and every field. If we know English we never feel tongue tide in front of others. It's a widely spoken language. People take pride in speaking English .if we don't know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of hour. Today we can't deny the importance of English in our life.To anyone who lives in an English speaking country, it is of vital importance. Language is always very important, because it is the means of communication. If you cannot speak the language of a place, it will be very difficult to communicate with the people. And so it is an absolute neccesity.We communicate with others every day. Weather we just say 'hello' or have a long conversation, or weather we give or follow instructions, or weather at home or at the shop or in the workplace. Communication is a tool for everyday life-Everyone uses it every day. And language makes it a whole lot easier, so everyone learns to speak their native language. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and if you know how to speak it, it will be an invaluable tool of communication. You can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learning.
English is the most universally spoken language and many students around the world often take English as a second language. Learning English is also helpful because it allows you to communicate effectively and enables you to form a cohesive sentence unlike the one you just attempted.
There are various reasons for the importance of English language. They are listed below.
1. Travel: When a person travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language.
2. Same country: In countries like India, where the land is so vast with people of various cultures live, the languages of each part of the country also differ. Under the circumstances, English can be the only link as people in each place will not be able to learn all the other languages to communicate with the people. English bridges this gap and connects the people.
3. Education / Studies: The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to Another Country to study can only have English as their medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This again reinforces the fact that English language is very important.
4. Correspondence: All correspondences between offices in different countries and also between political leaders of various countries is in English. This linking factor also tells of the importance of English language.
5. Internet: In spite of the growth of internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each and every relevant webpage into the language of various countries. With Internet becoming very important in E commerce and also in education, English language is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized.
The future of English as a language is very secure. In this era of consolidation and trying to unify various aspects of life, it will not be long before English can be made as a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations.
By removing all the constitutional restrictions the working out of the protestant reformation from Henry VII through Charles provided impetus for English settlement.
The Norman Conquest occurred in England in the year 1066, an episode known as the Battle of Hastings. This event transformed language, literature and politics significantly because the English speaking populous was defeated by the french speaking Normans from France. This shift in language further encouraged a separation between the three estates; The Clergy speaking in Latin, the nobility speaking french, and the working classes speaking only English. This lack of bilingual ability on the part of the working class meant that they could not interpret the word of god (i.e. The Bible) freely but had to rely on the clergymen, who were often corrupt and greedy, to interact with God. The lower classes were at a further disadvantage by the introduction of Norman French because it created a larger gap between rich and poor, stressing illiteracy and excluding the working class from the new french literature and poetry of the aristocrats. Writers Such as Marie de France, a Norman noble, wrote french poetry called lais, romantic narratives written in prose. The lai often contains scenes of English Arthurian legend, but were however composed in french. These popular french works were shared only amongst royal court and noble company, thus rejecting the English speaking working class.
Answer:First and foremost, your native tongue. Learn to speak it well and properly, with good grammar and enunciation. If your first language is not English, then learn that language next, as it is the global language of business and entertainment. After that, it is up to you! Spanish is an excellent choice if you anticipate spending time in Latin America or the United States (where Spanish is rapidly becoming prevalent.) In the international realm, French is the official working language of the United Nations (along with English), and is second only to English as a worldwide business language. Mandarin Chinese has the largest number of native speakers, and as China becomes a key player in international affairs its main language becomes important knowledge. Other important (but less ubiquitous) languages are Russian, Arabic, German, and Swahili. AnswerThe language of your birth. If you can't communicate with your own you will never understand your culture or be part of your heritage. English, which is the accepted international language in most fields of life, is also important and is learned by children in nearly every country of the world. ANSWER:The language of critical thinking or general semantics. Regardless of what spoken languages you may be versed in, if you have not mastered your own body language and understand the body language of others, if you only listen to what is being said and pay no attention to what is not being said then your capacity to communicate is diminished. What value is there in speaking twelve different languages if you can't pick up on subtle body movements? If you can't tell if someone is being truthful in the primary language you speak it is doubtful you will know how to tell if someone is lying in the other eleven languages. To know that we view our selves in a different way than others do, and know that they view themselves in a different way than we view them. To know that we can agree on another way to view each other that would be satisfactory for both, these are all characteristics of communication.French is known as the language of love, but if you tell a pretty woman that you love her and you speak it perfectly but you never touch her when you say this, that will mean something entirely different than if you do touch her while professing your love. If you intend to stand up for your rights through language only but never through deed, this says something entirely different than if you are prepared to fight while standing up for your rights. In our lifetime we meet many people, most who gladly inform you of who they believe they are. Many of these people can talk a good game, but if you really want to know the truth of people, listen to what they say then watch what they do.ANSWER:Of the European languages French, Spanish, Portugese and German are most widely spoken. German was once considered the premier language for work in technology and science, French for work in diplomacy. Chinese has so many dialects that frequently one can be better understood in English. Japanese is definitely a necessary language of international commerce, but the Japanese themselves are committed to learning the language(s) of the country where they trade and use English as a default . Russian was politically important as a power language, but loses out to the difficulties non-Slavic peoples encounter with its extensive phonemes. Swahili was likewise a lingua franca understood in numerous African countries, but its Arabic base puts it in disfavor with the tribalism now present in many countries. By contrast Arabic itself is rising in popularity.Answer:Lest we forget Hindi, the official language of India. The BRIC economies are the ones to watch for the forseeable future--Brazil (Portuguese), Russia, India (Hindi), China (Mandarin). Judging by the enormous populations of the latter two, it stands to reason that both these languages are significant, notwithstanding the fact that these cultures do put considerable effort into learning English, often the British dialect.
The Hupa people speak English.As of 2018, there is also 1 native speaker of the Hupa Language, Verdena Parker. She has been working with researchers at UC Berkeley and Stanford to preserve the language.
Power is most important over pay and/or working conditions.
Psychology plays a great part in human healing. Body language, for example a smile and touch contact, are even more important than language. But it is important to reassure a patient further when they ask about their illness or after their surgery. So it would be important for any patient to understand what is being said to them in their own language or one they are very familiar with, whether it be English or any other language.
English is the official working language in Singapore and the national language of Singapore is Malay. You can greet Singaporean in English/Malay/Mandarin Chinese/Tamil
It is good to having working knowledge of Business English because you can talk to many people around the world. English is a universal language.
My behaviour in the workplace is important because it sets the tone for the working environment. If I am loud and combative with colleagues then the working environment becomes stressful and every day becomes a battle to be fought and won.
A working language is a language commonly used for communication within an organization, while an official language is a language designated for use in legal, administrative, and official communication by a government or organization. In essence, a working language is for day-to-day interactions, while an official language is for formal and legal purposes.
Because English is the key to open the world of success, not only in your country also gives you the chance to be more productive, you'll get a salary increase, with another language your are giving yourself the opportunity to grow inside the company your working for, all the music you like to listen to. imagine all the benefits that learning another language give you. If there's another working position and somebody asks if someone speaks English, your answer is going to be Yes, I do of course you are the one the company will hire as manager, supervisor or another important position why? because you speak and understand a second language as English.
For me, the important values in a work environment are:honestyconsistencyfocusconsiderationteamwork
Stephen Cary has written: 'Working with English language learners'
Mostly because it will effect the children
Ontario does not have an official language, but it is assumed to be English since over 85% of Ontarians are English speaking.
The primary language spoken in Pattaya is Thai. English is also commonly spoken in tourist areas and by those working in the hospitality industry.
6. English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Chinese