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The U.S. president is usually the person who in the most recent voting of the electoral college received votes for president from a majority of the 538 electors appointed by each of the 50 states and D.C. based on the preferences of the state's voters for the purpose of electing the U.S. president and vice president. No elector has ever voted for a female for president.

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9y ago

There have been many women presidents and prime ministers all over the world.

Without giving details of exactly which country you are referring to, we are unable to provide a proper answer.

For example, you may not have had a female president because one might have simply not been voted in yet. Or possibly because you reside in a country where women are still oppressed by archaic patriarchal values.

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9y ago

Women traditionally were homemakers and did not actively participate in politics. Women were not even allowed to vote in the US until 1920. However, times have changed. We have women senators and women generals. Other countries have women prime ministers. Hillary Clinton appears to be the most likely Democratic presidential candidate for 2016. The US will probably have a woman president before many years.

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