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Joseph Smith's first two counselors in the First Presidency were Sidney Rigdon and Jesse Gause. This presidency lasted only 9 months before Jesse Gause was excommunicated. He was replaced by Frederick G. Williams several months later.

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Q: Who were Joseph smith's first two counselors in the first presidency?
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Who was the first first presidency of the Mormon church?

Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were called the "first Elders" of the church by the Lord after they given the Melchizedek Priesthood, but the quorum of the First Presidency had not yet been organized. The first iteration of the quorum known as the First Presidency consisted of Joseph Smith, Jr. as President of the church, with Jesse Gause and Sidney Rigdon as counselors. For a time, Oliver served as "Assistant President." Because of various acts of apostasy in the early days of the church, the office of the First Presidency was frequently reorganized. Joseph always retained the office of President of the church, but called Assistant Presidents (including his brother Hyrum) to help with the burdens of leading a growing church. He called several counselors and assistant counselors as members of the First Presidency until his own death on June 27, 1844. The First Presidency was not formally reorganized until three and a half years later, a period known as the Apostolic Interregnum. They keys of the priesthood were vested in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as a whole upon the death of Joseph Smith. As President of the Quorum of the Twelve, Brigham Young felt that the burdens of moving the church to the safety of the Rocky Mountains made it impractical to attempt a reorganization until the first companies had successfully migrated west, and the Quorum of the Twelve were able to meet once again as a quorum to consider the issue. On December 27, 1847, Brigham Young was sustained as President of the church, with Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards as his counselors.

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The First Presidency (also called the Quorum of the Presidency of the Church or simply the Presidency) is the presiding or governing authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It is composed of the President of the Church and his counselors. Called February 3, 2008, new First Presidency members were announced on February 4, 2008: President Thomas S. Monson and his two counselors, Henry B. Eyring and Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Why did David O. McKay have five counselors at one time?

Normally the first presidency consists of the President of the Church and two counselors from the Quorum of 12. The President of the Church can have as many counselors as he chooses. At various times the Presidents of the Church have had more than 2 counselors. President David O. McKay chose to have 5.

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The first album released by The Smiths is eponymous, meaning that it is named after the band itself. So the first album released by The Smiths is titled "The Smiths".

Why weren't Joseph smiths revelations ever in the bible?

The bible was compiled in the first century AD. Joseph Smith was born in 1805. Now if you think about it very hard you should eventually come to realize that the bible was completed long before Joseph Smith was born.

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When was First Presidency created?

First Presidency was created in 1832.

Who is first in line to the French presidency?

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Who were the first 12 leaders in the Mormon church?

This depends on what you mean by "leader". The leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ. He reveals His will pertaining to the Church to the Prophet/President. There have been 16 of these in the history of the Church, being: Joseph Smith, Jr. Brigham Young John Taylor Wilford Woodruff Lorenzo Snow Joseph F. Smith Heber J. Grant George Albert Smith David O. McKay Joseph Fielding Smith Harold B. Lee Spencer W. Kimball Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter Gordon B. Hinckley Thomas S. Monson The Prophet/President has two counselors, these three make up the "First Presidency". Twelve Apostles also lead the Church and work with the First Presidency. That makes 15 men who are leading the Church at any given time. The first First Presidency and Twelve Apostles of the Church were: Joseph Smith, Jr., President Sydney Rigdon and Fredrick G Williams, Counselors Oliver Cowdery, Assistant to the President (no longer a position in the Church) with Apostles: Thomas B. Marsh David W. Patton Brigham Young Heber C. Kimball Orson Hyde William E. McLellin Parley P. Pratt Luke S. Johnson William Smith Orson Pratt John F. Boynton Lyman E. Johnson You can see a great video of how Church leadership has changed through the years (from 1830 to 2010) at the "Related Links" below.

When was First Presidency - Community of Christ - created?

First Presidency - Community of Christ - was created in 1832.

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