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Q: Who was the individual who discovered how gravity works?
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When was gravity discovered?

Gravity was discovered in 1650 by Sir Isaac Newton.

What ativements did Sir Isaac Newton do?

he discovered gravity he discovered gravity

What scientist is said to have discovered gravity with the help of an apple?

Isaac Newton discovered gravity with the help of an apple.

Why discovered gravity?

newton discovered gravity.. he was curious to know the reason behind the falling apple from the tree

What was Isaac newton theories?

Isaac newton discovered the law of gravity.

Who found out gravity exists?

Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

When was Gravity?

Gravity was discovered in 1650 by Sir Isaac newton.

What was discovered by Isaac Newton?


Who discovered weight?

Weight, as a force exerted by gravity on an object, was not discovered by a single individual. The concept of weight has been known and understood for thousands of years, with contributions from thinkers such as Aristotle, Galileo, and Newton. These scientists and philosophers helped develop our modern understanding of weight and gravity.

Who discovered the concept of gravity?

Isaac Newton

Who discovered the effect of gravity?

Issac Newton

Who discovered center of gravity?

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