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Shadrach Bond (born November 24, 1773 in Frederick, Maryland; died April 12, 1832 in Kaskasia, Illinois), the first Governor of Illinois, served between October 6, 1818 and December 5, 1822, including the whole of 1821.

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Q: Who was the Governor of Illinois in 1821?
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If the governor and lieutanant governor of Illinois resign who becomes the new governor?

The attorney General of Illinois is third in line.

When did John Clark - governor - die?

John Clark - governor - died on 1821-08-14.

Who is the chief executive for Illinois?

The Chief Executive Officer of the state of Illinois is the governor. In 2014, the governor of Illinois was Pat Quinn. He took the office in 2009.

Can the governor of Illinois be reelected?

Yes, the Office of Governor of Illinois is not restricted by term limits.

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The current governor of Illinois is a Republican.

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The current Illinois governor is a Republican.

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Barack Obama was never governor of Illinois. He represented Illinois in the United States Senate.

Is the governor the chief executive officer of Illinois?

Yes, the governor is considered the chief executive of Illinois.

Who is next in line to governor in Illinois?

The Lieutenant Governor of Illinois is next in line to Governor of Illinois.If speaking time-wise, this could be the Governor-elect, or a candidate for Governor, who will eventually become Governor-elect then Governor.

What is the Illinois version of the White House?

The highest office in the State of Illinois is Governor. The Governor resides in the Governor's Mansion in Springfield, IL.

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The registered voters of Illinois.

How did President Obama become governor of Illinois?

He was never the governor of Illinois. He was in the Illinois state senate for three terms, and then he became a U.S. senator.