

Who brought slaves to freedom?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: Who brought slaves to freedom?
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What brought freedom to slaves?

Disgust and legislation.

What brought freedom for the slaves besides the union winning the civil war?

The Freed-men's Bureau

How can you use the word freedom in a sentence?

'His brave and noble actions led the prisoners to freedom.'or, 'For the first time since they had been brought over from Africa the slaves finally had freedom.'

How African slaves gained freedom?

Enslaved Africans get their freedom by working for the person that they bargined with or own them money for 3-7 years.

What was the route to freedom for slaves?

Slaves traveled north for the most part. If they were lucky they could reach Canada where they would be free from being brought back to the south. They could still reach the northern states, but they could be brought back to the south.

Why was freedom worse than slavery for many of the American slaves?

because youd just be found and brought back but that was only in south America

How were the slaves freedom denied?

The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

Who was the newspaperman who brought freedom to the press?

zenger was the newspaperman to who brought freedom...:)

What was slaves perspective of freedom?

Freedom for slaves meant that the slaves didn't have to be owned and that they could be treated like everybody else.

How did former slaves envision freedom?

former slaves envision freedom from few former slaves were able to own land

Why slaves do not want to be slaves?

They wanted to have freedom.

How could slaves gain freedom in Muslim society?

In Muslim society, slaves could gain their freedom by buying their freedom. Additionally, female slaves could gain freedom by marrying a Muslim owner.