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That probably refers to Al Gore (2007).

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Q: Who Nobel Peace won for his work on the global warming of your planet and when?
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What did Al Gore promote?

Al Gore recently (2007) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with the UN for promoting the idea that Global warming is both real and a imminent threat.

When did Al Gore win the Pulitzer Prize?

Al Gore did not win the Pulitzer Prize. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work on climate change.

Why did Al Gore receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007?

Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his efforts in raising awareness about climate change and promoting action to combat global warming through his advocacy and work on the documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth."

Did Betsy Ross win the nobel peace prize?

No, Betsy Ross did not win the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to promoting peace and resolving conflicts on a global scale. Betsy Ross is known for designing the first American flag.

Why was Al Gore given a Nobel prize award?

Al Gore was given the peace prize for global warming because the powers that be thought it was really insightful and thuoght provoking, dare I say, revolutionary. I really don't know!

What does the world fight for?

human rights like being free, the environment and global warming, and world peace.

What did Martin win in December 1964?

A Nobel Price for peace in December of 1964.

What happens when someone wins the nobel Peace Prize?

When someone wins the Nobel Peace Prize, they receive a medal, a diploma, and a monetary prize. The award aims to recognize and reward individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to promoting peace and resolving conflicts on an international scale. Additionally, winning the Nobel Peace Prize often brings global attention to the winner's cause or work.

Is Global warming accelerated by reduction in global snow and ice cover?

Yes, reductions in global snow and ice cover contribute to global warming acceleration. This is because snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space, known as the albedo effect. As snow and ice melt, they expose darker surfaces that absorb more sunlight, leading to increased warming. Additionally, melting ice contributes to sea level rise, which can further contribute to warming through feedback loops.

Nobel piece prize spell correctly?

Nobel (for Alfred Nobel) Peace (opposite of war) Prize (you won something)Nobel Peace Prize

How did Alfred Nobel push for peace?

he was named for the nobel PEACE prize

Who discovered the Nobel Peace Prize?

Alfred Nobel donated his wealth to the starting of the Nobel Peace Prize.