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Light of is made up of a finite number of photons, or light quanta. The energy of each photon is proportional to the frequency of the light, and hence inversely proportional to the wavelength of the light. Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light, so the quantum of red light has less energy than the quantum of blue light.

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naveed kazmi

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3y ago
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3mo ago

Red light had lower energy quanta compared to blue light. This is because red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, which correspond to lower energy levels, whereas blue light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies, indicating higher energy levels.

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13y ago

Light of is made up of a finite number of photons, or light quanta. The energy of each photon is proportional to the frequency of the light, and hence inversely proportional to the wavelength of the light. Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light, so the quantum of red light has less energy than the quantum of blue light.

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15y ago

Red light. Energy quanta =hc/wavelength red light has the longer wavelength thus the lower energy quanta.

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Q: Which had the lower energy quanta red light or blue light?
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Which has a lower amount of energy red light or blue light?

Red light has a lower amount of energy than blue light. This is because red light has a longer wavelength, which corresponds to lower energy photons, while blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy photons.

Is blue light or red light hotter?

Red light is hotter than blue light. This is because red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to blue light, meaning it carries less energy. Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance, and red light has less energy to transfer compared to blue light.

Does yellow light have more energy than green light?

No, yellow light has less energy than green light. Green light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, which corresponds to higher energy. Yellow light has a longer wavelength and lower energy.

Why red has a greater wavelength than blue?

Red light has a greater wavelength than blue light because red light has a lower frequency and energy. In the electromagnetic spectrum, longer wavelengths correspond to lower frequencies, while shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. Therefore, red light, with its longer wavelength, has a lower frequency compared to blue light.

Why does blue light cause a photoelectric effect while red light does not?

Blue light has more energy per photon than red light due to its shorter wavelength. This higher energy allows blue light photons to transfer enough energy to electrons in a material to overcome the work function, leading to the photoelectric effect. Red light, with lower energy photons, does not provide enough energy to eject electrons from the material.

Related questions

Which has a lower amount of energy red light or blue light?

Red light has a lower amount of energy than blue light. This is because red light has a longer wavelength, which corresponds to lower energy photons, while blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy photons.

Why is red light different to blue light?

The red light is lower energy than the blue light.

Is blue light or red light hotter?

Red light is hotter than blue light. This is because red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to blue light, meaning it carries less energy. Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance, and red light has less energy to transfer compared to blue light.

Does yellow light have more energy than green light?

No, yellow light has less energy than green light. Green light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, which corresponds to higher energy. Yellow light has a longer wavelength and lower energy.

How can you tell the energy released based on the colour of the light?

Red light has lower energy photons than blue light. Ultra-violet is even more energetic.

How does blue light compare with ultraviolet light?

The blue light has longer wavelength, lower frequency, andless energy per photon than the ultraviolet light has.The blue light is also visible to the human eyes, whereas theultraviolet light is not.

Why red has a greater wavelength than blue?

Red light has a greater wavelength than blue light because red light has a lower frequency and energy. In the electromagnetic spectrum, longer wavelengths correspond to lower frequencies, while shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. Therefore, red light, with its longer wavelength, has a lower frequency compared to blue light.

Why does blue light cause a photoelectric effect while red light does not?

Blue light has more energy per photon than red light due to its shorter wavelength. This higher energy allows blue light photons to transfer enough energy to electrons in a material to overcome the work function, leading to the photoelectric effect. Red light, with lower energy photons, does not provide enough energy to eject electrons from the material.

What color has the lowest energy?

The color with the lowest energy is red. In the visible light spectrum, red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, giving it lower energy compared to other colors like blue or violet.

Why does red absorb more light than blue?

Red absorbs more light than blue because red light photons have lower energy than blue light photons. When light hits an object, the photons can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. Since red photons have less energy, they are less likely to be reflected or transmitted, leading to more absorption.

Which has a lower frequency yellow light or blue light?

Blue light has a higher frequency compared to yellow light.

What is the physical difference between red light and blue light?

Red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency than blue light. Blue light has more energy and is scattered more easily, which is why the sky appears blue during the day.