There is no 'foundation' date for France and this is a moot point for historians. After the Germanic tribe of the Franks settled down, the country became gradually France as it is now. Most French historians consider France to be born at the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD). Some consider the date of the battle of Bouvines (1214) as a marker in the beginning of a national sentiment. Some people say France was founded in 1534 also.
France can be found in the continent of Europe.
you can find about 1.000 things that you can eat that are not found in France and that sound like that they are found in France because they have a French name that sounds like there found in France but aren't. you can name it can name about a million things that are food and they still wont' be found in France.
the names of the types of crystals found in france?
football is very popular in france. champagne was found in france. the eiffel tower ,which is in paris,france,is absoulutelybeautiful
France is in western Europe
the France flower
Chromium was found in FRANCE!
Alpine Marmots are found in France
The two mountain ranges found in France are the Alps and the Pyrenees. The Alps border France and Italy, while the Pyrenees border France and Spain.
France is part of the continent of Europe.
it was shaped like that because that is how they found it!!
the gauls found France.France was not founded