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Q: What year did France colonize morocco?
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When did the French colonize Morocco?

France colonized Morocco sometime in the 19th century, and gave it its independence in 1956. Hope that helped! :)

What country colonized Morocco?

Spain and France both colonize Morocco. Spain colonized Morocco in the north, the south, and Western Sahara (which Morocco currently controls). France colonized Morocco's central region where the overwhelming majority of Morocco's population lives.

How did the Moroccan crisis increase tension between France and Germany?

Though France, Germany and England all had colonized parts of Africa Morocco remained independent. However in 1911 Morocco fell into political instability. Both France and Germany wanted the country and were enraged that the other was going to break the treaty they had with Morocco and colonize it.

What countries with both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean coast?

Morocco, Spain, and France.

Does Morocco border France?

No, Morocco doesn't share a border with France. France is in Europe and Morocco is on the African continent

Distance between France and Morocco?

The distance between Morocco and Frace, or France and Morocco is 1,036 miles.

Who owned Morocco?

Morocco was split between France and Spain.

Who took over Morocco during 1800-1900?

Morocco was semi-independent throughout the 1800s. France showed great interest in Morocco as soon as it began to colonize Algeria in the 1830s, but would not establish the French Protectorate of Morocco until 1912. In 1860, Spain expanded its territorial possessions in Morocco and continued to expand control in the later 1800s. However, Spain never controlled more than 10% of "recognized" Morocco.

Why would France or Belgian want to colonize Congo?

France didnt want to only Belgian wanted to colonize congo

Why did the french colonize Morocco?

because they had many riches from trading and they had many rain forest

What is the country with both and Atlantic and Mediterranean coast?

Morocco, Spain, and France.

Did Germany try to colonize France?

Germany didn't try to colonize France, Germany succeeded in colonizing France in 1940 after the French government surrendered to Germany.