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he was our ex president - the first Black ( African) president in South Africa.

he started the ANC , which is currently our ruling party. he is no longer apart of the active parliament , he brought apartheid to an end. - he was mostly to thank, but in general S.A had to loose apartheid as we had sanctions against us i.e we could not export or import , even though we were self sustained we did not want to have no outside influence or contribution like tourism- to say the least

Today Madiba is 85+ years old and holds a very symbolic, soft place in the South African people's hearts. He is the sysmbol of freedom in our country for African people, and equally a freedom fighter for humanity.

his book - my walk to freedom.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Nelson Mandela is a role model for us by the fact that he fought for rights. He wanted blacks to be able to do things that whites could do. Nelson Mandela fought against racism

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βˆ™ 12y ago

he is good

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Q: Why do you consider Nelson Mandela as your role model?
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I can find no record of Nelson Mandela being a role model or inspiration for Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. died in 1968 by an assassins bullet. Nelson Mandela was a convict in prison for sabotage during Martin Luther King Jr's freedom march. He lead the Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). Nelson Mandela was an advocate of armed resistance and Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of peace. It is highly doubtful that Martin Luther King Jr. would look up to Nelson Mandela.

Who played an important role to gain freedom for South Africa?

Obviously, Nelson Mandela!

What role did Nelson Mandela play in human rights?

He protested for the righteousness of black people.

How did Nelson Mandela maintain power?

he inspired the native africans that made him be successful in many ways. that gave him the mightiest respect and a great role model for lots of people.`WEST

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Yes, Danny Glover did appear in Mandela. The film was released in 1987 as a TV film.He played the role of Nelson Mandela.