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Governors are the chief executive officers at the state level. Their duties include approving state budgets and appropriations, enactment of state legislation, confirmation of appointments, and acting as overseer of executive branch functions.

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One of the governor's most important judicial duties is to give pardons at his/her discretion. A governor has the power to pardon prisoners, including those on death row.

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pardoning a criminal (A+)

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pardoning a criminal

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Q: Which of these is an example of a governor judicial duties?
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An example of a governor's judicial duties is?

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Judicial Duties

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Judicial Duties are fulfilled when a Governor grants a reprieve delaying punishment of a convicted person.

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The governor is signing a bill into a law is an example of what type of duties?

Legislative Duties

An example of a governor's judicial duties is creating a budget?

The governors, as chief executive of states have veto powers to oversee spending of monies and budgeting. Using veto powers, governors can influence spending priorities in the states.