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Where you are.

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Q: What does location help determine?
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did the physical features help determine the location of cairo

What reference is used on maps to help determine location?

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How can pet scans determine the location of a tumor?

Many sources agree that pet scans are effective in finding cancer. These scans are said to help determine the location of tumors and whether or not they have spread.

Do lines of latitude help us determine absolute location?

Yes, lines of latitude help determine absolute location by providing a measure of how far north or south a point is from the equator. Latitude lines run east-west and are usually expressed in degrees, allowing us to pinpoint a specific location on Earth's surface.

What tells you the subject or type of map?

What is the constist if imaginary lines that help us determine location

How does latitude help the world?

It helps determine location, making traveling much easier and safer.

What can help the doctor determine the ideal location for a liver biopsy?

CT or ultrasound can be used to guide the doctor in selecting the best location for obtaining the biopsy sample.

What is the basic reference used on maps to help determine location?

Maps usually have a grid lines printed on them which are numbered. Normally you would use these numbers as a grid reference to indicate a location

What factors help determine the type of soil such as the thickness of the layers and their compositions?

Slope, time, location, humus, rain water, and etc.

How could you use topographic maps of your area to help decide on the best location for the zoo?

well the topographic maps will determine the elevations in the area and help find the best location without making a zoo somewhere its not supposed to be on. hope i helped :)

The prime meridian is an imaginary line from which lines of what are constructed to help determine location?

The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line from which angles east and west are measured in order to help define and describe locations. The angle thus measured is called the location's 'longitude'.