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Rights for blacks so equality no more apartheid and freedom for his country and he knows how it feels to be ruled over by someone you may not agree with but have to because your life depends on it i think it helps because he was in that situation so he knows how it feels because he has had a real experience and the experience in life he has had is much greater than all of those in England MOSTLY XXX

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13y ago
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12y ago

what where Nelson Mandela's achievments

what where nelson mandela's achievments

he was Africa president

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15y ago

GIving equal rights for black people- and gave gave them back what was truthfully theirs, and stopped the apartheid ( with people being split up into groups according to race)

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10y ago

Nelson Mandela's greatest achievement was being awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1993, for his fight against oppression in South Africa. He is the former and first president of south Africa.

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his main achievements were winning the nobel peace prize

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10y ago

He estabilised the process of reconsiliation.

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