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Canadians have made significant contributions to space exploration and research. The most notable contribution is the development of the Canadarm, a robotic arm used on space shuttles and the International Space Station for various tasks. Canadian astronauts, such as Chris Hadfield, have also played important roles in space missions, conducting experiments and contributing to research. Additionally, Canada is involved in various international collaborations, such as providing scientific instruments for spacecraft and contributing to the exploration of Mars.

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Q: What contributions have Canadians made to space exploration and research?
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Find contributions of Canadians to the exploration and scientific understanding of space.?

Canadians contributed satellite and other technological devices of scientific understanding of space

How do Canadian contributions to the exploration of this?

Canadian contributions to exploration have been significant, with astronauts like Chris Hadfield and Julie Payette making important contributions to space exploration. Canada has also been involved in Arctic and deep-sea research, as well as contributing to international missions such as the Mars rovers. Additionally, Canadian scientists have been at the forefront of research in fields like climate science and biodiversity.

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NASA has had both successes and failures in its history. While it has achieved significant milestones in space exploration, such as the Moon landings and the Mars rovers, there have also been setbacks and tragedies like the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters. Overall, NASA has made valuable contributions to our understanding of space and continues to push boundaries in scientific research and exploration.

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In 2006, an estimated $37.46 billion was spent worldwide on space exploration initiatives. This included expenses from various space agencies, private companies, and research institutions involved in space exploration activities.

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Yes, the government should send people into space to further scientific research, exploration, and potentially colonization. This can also inspire innovation and technological advancements.

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The United States and Russia have been the two countries that have done the most work in space exploration. They have made significant contributions to space research, sending numerous missions, satellites, and astronauts into space, and have played crucial roles in the development of the International Space Station.

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was to make sure that anybody can reach their goal.

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NASA is from the aerospace industry, specifically focusing on space exploration and aeronautics research.

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What were Hess contributions to space research?

Hess made significant contributions to the study of cosmic rays, discovering their existence and proving that they originate from outer space. His work helped lay the foundation for the field of space research and our understanding of high-energy particles in the universe.

What administration is responsible for the exploration of outer space?

The administration responsible for the exploration of outer space is NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in the United States. NASA conducts space missions, research, and exploration initiatives to expand our understanding of the universe and promote scientific advancement.