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i think it is the word god

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Q: What Bible is being used for the swearing in ceremony?
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What books can US presidents swear on?

The president is not required to use a book as part of the swearing in ceremony, but most put their hand on a Bible. Pierce used a law book.

What was the red bible used in the swearing in of President Obama?

It was Abraham Lincoln's Bible.

Did Barack Obama use the Quran when he was sworn into office?

No- that was a different member of Congress. Congressman Ellison was the individual that used the Quran. Obama is a Christian, who attends the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. He used the book of his faith, the Bible. Barack Obama was sworn into the Presidency on Abraham Lincoln's Bible. Because Chief Justice Roberts read some of the words of the oath incorrectly when swearing Obama in as president, the Chief Justice went to the White House the next day to have the president repeat the oath. There was no Bible at this second swearing-in.

How many bibles were used by the president for his swearing in?

President Obama used one Bible during his first inauguration in 2008-- the bible used by Abraham Lincoln. He used two bibles in 2012-- the Lincoln Bible and a traveling bible used by Dr. Martin Luther King.

Did Barack Obama take his oath on the Bible?

No, he did not. That was Keith Ellison, a US Representative from the state of Minnesota - elected in 2006. He made news by choosing the Koran over the Bible for his swearing in. But Barack Obama is a Christian, and when he was sworn in as president, he used the famous Lincoln Bible during the ceremony.

Was Barack Obama sworn in on a bible?

Yes When he was sworn in as president, the Chief Justice misspoke some of the words of the oath. The Chief Justice went to the White House the next day and they repeated the Oath correctly. There was no Bible present during that second swearing-in.

Is saying BLOODY swearing?

no its used insted of swearing

Is saying bleeding swearing?

No, saying "bleeding" is not considered swearing. It is a common expression used to emphasize a situation or indicate annoyance.

What bible is being used for Obama's occasion?

the bible that Abraham Lincoln used when he was inaugurated

Was obama sworn in as president on the Koran or the Bible?

Barack Obama will be using the same bible Abraham Lincoln used when he was sworn in as President.

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an apple pie being chased by a turtle

What is significant about the Bible that Obama will use?

President-elect Barack Obama will use the same Bible at his inauguration that Abraham Lincoln used for his swearing in. Obama will be the first president since Lincoln to use that Bible, part of the collection of the Library of Congress. You mean 'has used' not 'will use' since he was inagurated on 20th January, that's 7 days ago. The Bible was the one used by Abraham Lincoln.