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These study tips work for any age of student!

You first need to know what kind of learner you are: visual, auditory, or physical. A visual learner understands what they see - this means reading, looking at pictures or diagrams, or watching videos. If you are a visual learner, you should try to make sure that most of your studying uses these techniques. If you are trying to study something that isn't visual, try writing it out or drawing a picture to help you remember. An auditory learner understands what they hear. If you are an auditory learner, you will probably want to use a recorder to help you learn - reading the text aloud, or having someone tell the information to you will help you to study. A physical learner understands information better if they actually do the skill - either practicing or hands-on activities. Physical learners have a harder time studying because modern schools are based on visual and auditory learning. You might ask your teachers if you can actually do some of the work yourself to help you learn better.

Next, you'll need a quiet place and time. Set one specific time each day for studying, and treat it as if it were a job - show up and do the work whether you feel like it or not. Having a set study time every day helps because you have a regular schedule, and the daily practice means that you are much more likely to remember material from day to day.
Keep an assignment notebook. Write down all of your homework, projects, test dates, and anything else you have to do for school in this notebook and keep it with you at all times. An assignment notebook means that you never have to wonder what to study.
A calendar is also a useful study tool - use one of those with large squares so that you can write down due dates for all of your assignments and tests. This gives you a visual reminder of what is due on which date, and makes it harder for things to "sneak up on you."
When studying from your textbook, concentrate on anything in bold-face. These are the important points in the text, and are things you will usually need to know. Use your notebook, too - copy important information, definitions, and facts from your text into your notes. Writing the information down helps you to remember it!
Study with someone. Quiz each other on facts, dates, and definitions. Ask each other the questions from your textbook. Pretend that you are the teacher and explain one section to the other person (or people, if you have a study group). Explaining something to someone else helps you to understand it better!
Find a quiet place to study. ?Study Tips The best technique is to have a set time to study and not skip! Here are some more Study Tips - click on the related link for even more.
  • Take responsibility for yourself
    Studying isn't something that anyone else can do for you. You should recognize that you are responsible for your own success.
  • Center yourself around your values and principles
    Don't let friends or peers tell you what is important in your life. If you want to improve your grades, don't let anyone talk you out of it or distract you.
  • Put first things first
    Follow up on your goals; don't let others, or other interests, distract you.
  • Discover your best periods and places for study
    Do you learn better in morning, afternoon, or evening? Do you like total quiet, or do you study better with soft music in the background? Is the library better for you, or a private room?
    Find spaces where you can be the most focused and productive. Make sure you use this information to study to your best.
  • Consider yourself in a win-win situation
    When you contribute your best to a class, you, your fellow students, and even your teacher will benefit. Even if you don't make as good a grade as you hoped for, you have dont your best and learned from it. Your grade can then be one additional check on your performance
  • First understand others, then attempt to be understood
    When you have an issue with an instructor (a questionable grade, an assignment deadline, etc.) put yourself in the instructor's place. Now ask yourself how you can best make your point given his/her situation. Use "I" statements instead of arguing ("I am frustrated because I studied really hard," "I don't understand why this answer was wrong," "I really feel I need a little more time on this assignment.") The best statement to make to any teacher is "I really want to do my best on this work - how do you suggest I can do that?"
  • Look for better solutions to problems
    For example, if you don't understand the course material, don't just re-read it. Try something else! Consult with the professor, a tutor, an academic advisor, a classmate, a study group, or your school's study skills center

1. Get organized
Develop a system that works for you to make sure you're on top of everything that needs to be done. Try a "To Do" list or a folder for important papers and worksheets.
2. Manage your time wisely
Get that homework done before turning on the television. Develop a schedule to make sure you have time for everything you want to get done.
3. Listen carefully in class
Paying attention in class is very important. Listen to your teachers and pay attention to the questions other students ask - all of this can help you understand the material.
4. Read, read, read
Read your textbook closely and carefully, and reread it if you don't understand.
5. Take good notes
If it's important enough for your teacher to write it down, you should write it down, too. Hint: it will probably be on the test.
6. Ask questions
If you don't understand, you're probably not alone. Don't be afraid to ask.
7. Review.
Your brain remembers something for about 10 minutes after you hear it - take advantage of this fact by reviewing what you have learned! After a lecture, or after reading something, go back over the highlights within the 10 minutes - this only works if you do it right away, because after that 10 minutes, you're starting over.
8. Know your study style
Figure out how you study best: with music or in silence, alone or with classmates, then study that way!
9. Be a smart test taker
  • If a test is multiple choice, try to eliminate the answers you know are wrong.
  • When facing an essay test, plan ahead for what you're going to write to make sure you haven't left anything out.
  • Pay attention to your teacher's style of testing. Look at past tests to figure out what you missed and why.

10. Look into getting a tutor
Hire one or just ask a friend to help you out. Good grades can really pay off!
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10y ago

A habit is just a behavior that is repeated until it is automatic - your study habits are the ways that you study. Study habits can be "good" - which means they work and help you to make good grades - or "bad" - which just means they don't work and don't help you make good grades.

You can always change your habits and learn better ones!

Here are some good habits that will help you do better when studying:

  • Start studying right when the assignment is made- the longer you wait, the harder you're going to have to work to finish it!
  • Go to bed early.Children and teenagers need to get 10-12 hours of sleep every night in order to be alert and healthy! Most modern kids don't get that much, and they feel tired and sluggish most of the day.

  • Eat a good healthy breakfast. Eating sugary foods makes you think you're alert, but sugar wears off after an hour or so and you get a "sugar depression" where you suddenly feel even more tired and sleepy!
  • Pay attention in school. During class, listen carefully to the teacher. Ask questions if you don't understand what the teacher is explaining. Try to think about how the information will be useful to you. Do not think about something else.
  • Plan ahead - make a study timetable where you plan out what you need to study on what day; think of that time like a job, and don't get distracted and go do something else instead. See Related Questions on how to make a timetable.
  • Make flashcards. Flashcars help you learn materials easily.T he best way to memorize a list of facts - vocabulary words, math facts, dates, or anything at all! - is to make a set of flash cards. Write each term onto a card, and write the definition or answer on the back of that card. Keep these cards with you at all times! Any time you have a few minutes of free time, take out your cards and study. Read the first card - if you know the answer, then put that card at the back of the stack and turn it upside down; if you don't know the answer, read the answer a couple of times and then stick that card back into the middle of the stack so that you will have to try it again later. When you get all the cards turned upside down, you have learned that material!
  • Study with friends - this means study, not socialize! Quiz each other - one of you read a question aloud and the rest take turns trying to answer, like on a tv game show. One person read the textbook aloud and the rest pay attention and ask questions or help each other understand it. Read over each other's work to check for mistakes. Or, you can just study quietly at the same table.
  • Get rid of the distractions - turn off the chit-chat (cellphones, chat rooms, IMs, text messaging, and live conversations), shut off the TV and Video Games, use the computer only for looking up facts or writing your papers, and turn the music down or off (see related question about which type of music is best).
  • Take good notes - if you keep a notebook with important information for each class, then when you need to study, you just have to use your notes instead of reading the book over again. See related questions on how to take good notes.

Good study habits are a result of practice and knowing what methods are most effective for you. This may take trial and error. Organization is key, so start by writing down everything you need to do, regardless of whether you think you will remember it. When studying, stay away from distractions, such as the computer. Instead of procrastinating, work on long term assignments daily. This is also the best way to study; instead of studying the night before, study a little each night. Review what you learned in class every day when you get home, before starting homework. Also, a good tip is to review what you did in class the previous day at the beginning of class when you have a few minutes before the teacher starts talking. By learning the ways that you learn the best you will be successful in your studies.

updating knowlegde for every day ......if possible every minute..
Examples are :

Take Notes effectively.

Recognize that in order to succeed you need to make decisions about your priorities, your time, and your resources.

Understand what you read.

Schedule your study.

Make better time to Study.

Make good climate and surroundings to study.
Show up to class with your text book. Take good notes. Don't sit next to your best friend. Do your homework. Ask questions. Don't make excuses for not doing well.

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13y ago

1. First, make a list or timetable of everything you need to study or plan for. Prioritise it. To be able to study you need to make sure you have efficient time to study. Finish all major assignments early! Trust me, I was awake for 40 hours straight trying to finish my major major assignments!

2. Have an assignment notebook and calendar where you write down every single assignment -- this way, you know what is due every day.

3. Choose specific time slots in your week to study specific subjects. Don't blow them off -- treat study time like a job and show up!

4. Shut off all distractions. This includes cellphones, music, video games, chatting, TV, and the internet -- yes, the internet! -- studies show that just having the internet on in the background distracts you. If you have a favourite show or a few, that's okay. Just make sure you get your parents to tape them!

5. Do not eat a lot of sugar or drink fourteen cups of caffeine before studying. Scientific evidence shows that ONE SMALL coffee or tea is best for making you alert without being jumpy! You need to be rested, alert, but not to the point where you feel like jumping off the walls and the roofs to test what you know about physics. Sit down with a very large bottle of water (to prevent you from using 'need more water' as a procrastination excuse) -- keeping hydrated will help you stay alert, too.

6. Study by using your notes -- you DID read the question about how to take good notes, right? -- or with your textbook. Make each bold heading into a question, and quiz yourself until you can answer it. Learn the meanings of all the words in bold. If you have a study buddy, quiz each other until you can each recite answers and definitions correctly.

7. Make a Study Deck - get a pack of index cards (some people like to cut each card in half to make smaller cards). Write one term on the front of each card, and write the definition or explanation on the back. Take these cards everywhere with you! When you get a few minutes (like when you're waiting in line, sitting at a stop light, or riding the bus or subway), study these cards. Read the word and see if you can give the correct answer. If you can, turn that card upside down -- if you can't, study the answer a few times, then shuffle that card back into the deck so you will see it again. When all the cards are upside down, you will know your material!

8. Write summary sheets of everything you are supposed to know for subjects - don't rote learn to start with, just write down what you currently can't remember by heart. If you keep doing this and then going back and doing it again, your brain actually works out that it is easier just to remember much of it, to save you writing it out again. Takes a long time at first, but it really helps in the end.

More from our WikiReaders:

  • If you need snacks, then that's okay. But limit them! I find that one of my procrastination techniques is to grab an apple. Then I think... hmm, my hands are full... can't do any homework until I've finished eating this. Hmm... this could take a while... maybe I should see what's on TV?
  • Go to every class Go to every class SOBER!
  • Don't text or IM people in class
  • Don't let anybody distract you! If you actually manage to get going, the last thing you need is for someone to put you off! DON'T open MSN unless it's for homework emergencies, DON'T have your phone switched on, and tell people you're SERIOUS about the 'disturbers will be prosecuted' sign on your bedroom door! If anyone in your household has loud music, tell your parents you're trying to study and you couldn't *possibly* think with THAT noise. Make them wear earphones. Or, go somewhere quiet - university libraries are actually really really good for studying, even for high school students.Pay attention and take notes
  • Keep a calendar on your desk of all the HW and tests that are going to be in the future.
  • Interact with your teacher -- ask questions if you do not understand
  • Ask yourself if you need a tutor for help with anything - if it's too expensive, ask teachers for help, or even ask them to refer you onto a previous A-grade student.
  • Ask questions if confused
  • Go to learning center if your school has one
  • Do all the reading assigned
  • If you have a computer at your desk, LEAVE IT SWITCHED OFF! Until you have completed at least 2 hours of productive study, leave it off, or it will be too tempting to play games or go internet-browsing!
  • Find a quiet area to do HW, reading, and studying (library, etc.)
  • Find a study partner! Your partner might know many things that you don't and you might know a lot that he/she doesn't know either.
  • Group study sessions are a no-no. No matter how good your intentions, if it is not a group task, don't do it unless you really need help. Often, you get sidetracked and can't concentrate, or your friends will get sidetracked and they will lose your focus for you.
  • Don't procrastinate. Start working on things right after they are assigned and then enjoy the free time after wards. If you decide to hang out and BS before and put everything off, your work will not be at full potential. or you might not finish it.
  • Don't stay up late (past 12) on nights you have class the next day
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12y ago

Here are some ways to improve your study habits:

  • Plan ahead. Get a special notebook and keep all your assignments in it. Keep the notebook with you so you will always know what your work will be. Also, get one of those big calendars with blank boxes for each day -- write down the dates when your big assignments are due so that you never have one slip up on you.
  • Pay attention in school. The more you learn in class, the less studying you'll have to do.
  • Take good notes. Good notes are the best way to study because they have everything that is going to be on the test.
  • Get rid of the distractions. When you are studying, you need to turn off the TV, video games, cellphone, iPod, internet -- yes, the internet! Studies show that even having it on in the background distracts you! If you listen to quiet, instrumental music it's OK, but not anything with fast rhythm or words.
  • Make a Study Deck - use index cards (some people like to cut each card in half to make a smaller card). On one side, write the term you need to learn (a vocabulary word, date, formula, whatever you're learning) - on the other side, write the definition or explanation of that term. Keep the deck with you all the time, and whenever you have a minute or two (when you're waiting in line, riding the bus or subway, or any time you've got a free minute), go through the deck. Look at the top card. If you can answer it correctly, turn it upside down and put it on the bottom of the deck. If you can't answer it, study the correct answer for a minute, then shuffle that card back into the deck so that you will see it again. Once all the cards are upside down, you'll know the material!
  • Start studying now. As soon as you know when an assignment or test is due, go ahead and get started. That way, you only have to do a little studying each day in order to do well on it.
  • Get enough sleep. Children and teens need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep a night -- more than an adult needs, because your bodies are still growing! If you skip on sleep, you're going to be tired all the time, and a tired brain doesn't learn as well as a rested brain.
  • Eat healthy. Especially eat a good breakfast! You want to stay away from all those "quick energy" junk foods like sweets and "energy drinks" because they give you a quick buzz and then let you down hard, so that you're even more tired afterwards! A good filling breakfast will last you until lunch time, and you'll be more alert and ready to study. Evidence shows that a SMALL cup of coffee or tea is the best caffeine "pick me up" and will work to make you more alert if you've eaten a healthy meal as well.

Studying is a skill just like anything else you do. If you learn how to study effectively - how to find information that you need, how to read and understand what you read, how to memorize things, and how to plan ahead for tests - then you will not only make better grades, but you will also learn more easily. Good study skills can help you learn good discipline skills which will help you in your life after school as well.
well you can usually study in a room alone because if you do it with friends you will get disturbed, also listen to music helps you work almost twice as good as you usually do because it encourage you more. well also you have to like the things you study about, so you can make a competition or make the work to some kind of game or something that will make you like working more.

Many people feel the hours of study are the most important. However, students can study for hours on end and retain very little. The more appropriate question is, "how can students study more effectively?" Some issues students must consider are as follows.

  • Students need to develop good time management skills. They must realize there is a time to be in class, a time for study, time for family, time to socialize, and time to just be alone. The critical issue is recognition that there must be an appropriate balance.
  • Students should acquire a vision; A clearly articulate picture of the future they intend to create for them selves. This will promote a passion for what they wish to do. Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest, dedication, and commitment to achieving career goals and objectives.
  • The student must choose the best study schedule, a time they feel is comfortable, and in a place where there is little distraction.
  • The student must take notes on the subject matter and rehearse them frequently.
  • Students should not study hours on end. One should study 30 to 45 minutes then take a short break. Eat a snack, have a cup of coffee, play with the dog, etc., then return to study. This refreshes the mind, and often issues that may have been confusing before, become suddenly clear.
  • The student must develop good critical thinking skills, taking everything into consideration particular to the subject matter.
  • Students must not be afraid to ask for help when they have a problem understanding the subject matter. They need to do it immediately and not after days have gone by. They should not feel apprehensive to ask a faculty member, a friend, or go to the academic learning center at the school.
Thus, it is not so much a question of hard study, but how to study in smart fashion. The bottom line is that the student must take responsibility and ownership over their study habits.
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13y ago

There are not any specific Ten Study Habits -- but here are ten good ones to use!

  • Be organized - have an assignment notebook and know all your assignments at all times
  • Be prepared - make certain you have all the supplies you will need before you start to study
  • Be diligent - plan to work every day after school, just like grown ups go to their jobs every day
  • Be conscientious - do your best work without cheating. Cheating only makes sure that you will not know the work later when you really need it!
  • Be disciplined - put your studies before fun; once your grades are good enough, then you can afford to slack off a little bit
  • Be positive - start your studies with a good attitude; don't compare yourself to other students because everybody has things they're better at or worse at; tell yourself that you're going to do your best and that's OK
  • Be aware - pick a good place to study, not a noisy or distracting one.
  • Be note-able - use your notes to study - outline and rewrite what you are studying. Writing and even speaking the words out loud (or whispering to yourself) will help you remember better
  • Be memorable - use memory tricks to help you keep track of all the information you're studying
  • Be healthy - eat right, get some exercise, and take a break from the studies once in a while, and you'll be able to do better in class!
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10y ago

Here are the best habits for homework:

  • Have a set time every day to do your work - think of it as a job, just like your parents have to work all day, and just get it done
  • Keep a special homework notebook where you write down all of your assignments and keep all homework papers - that way you'll never lose anything.
  • Keep track of your assignment and test due dates on a large calendar - get one of those big ones with the squares you can write on, so you always know what's coming up and have enough time to finish your work and your studying
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7y ago

Making short notes, using diagrams and tackling past questions are some of the good study techniques.
flash cards (you can write them or an app). I personally type notes that way they sink into my head better. Or some people read the outcomes of the current unit/chapter and study what is on there.

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