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A system in which multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of government separately or in coalition; In multiparty systems, one party rarely gets enough support to control the government. Then several parties join together to obtain a majority and then form a coalition government. When groups with different ideologies share power, coalitions break down requiring new elections. As a result of this, many nations with multiparty systems are politically unstable. However, multiparty system also allow for better ideological representation of voters, resulting in policy that reflects voter interests better.

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12y ago
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4mo ago

A multiparty system is a political system where multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of government offices, either separately or in coalition. This system often leads to more diverse representation and viewpoints in the government, but it can also result in challenges such as difficulties in forming stable governments and potential gridlock in decision-making.

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7y ago

A system in which several major and many lesser parties exist, seriously compete for, and actually win, public offices.

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12y ago

This term refers to a political system in which there are more than two strong parties, unlike the US which has a two-party system.

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12y ago

Shot I know you tell me bihh!!

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What is the comparison the two-party system with multiparty system noting the strengths and weakness of each?

A two-party system simplifies decision-making and promotes stability, as it often leads to majority rule. However, it can limit representation and diversity of perspectives. A multiparty system allows for greater representation and diversity of ideas, but can lead to more fragmented governance and challenges in forming stable coalitions.

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The Persian Empire had a centralized administrative system with provinces governed by satraps appointed by the king. Darius I implemented a system of satrapies with local governors responsible for tax collection and maintaining order. The king also had a council of advisors and a royal court to assist in governing the vast empire.

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Greenland is the very large island that is a self-governing part of Denmark.

What does polictical mean?

"Political" relates to activities, actions, or decisions that involve governing and influencing laws, policies, and regulations within a society or country. It can also refer to the beliefs, practices, or strategies that are connected to a specific party, government, or system of governance.

What is a quasi-presidential system?

A quasi-presidential system is a political system where the roles of the president and prime minister are combined or blurred. This can create a power-sharing arrangement or division of responsibilities between the two offices. It is a hybrid model that includes elements of both presidential and parliamentary systems.