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There was a bit of a contrivercy over whether William had a sexual attraction to men or woman. It was only because Shakespeare's sonnets and poems consisted of him sending a loving vibe off to his man friends which was questioned. They have discovered he was a hetrosexual

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14y ago
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13y ago

It seems he was from the evidence we have. His sonnets are said to have been written mostly for his boyfriend, and his best friend was Christopher Marlowe, the gay playwright. However, he was Catholic and married, so go figure!

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12y ago

Possibly. There is actually a lot of (circumstantial) evidence that could be taken to mean he had relationships with men and women.

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16y ago

He wrote plays, what the frick do you think.

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12y ago

There is no information that says he was. There is only debate and speculation.

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No, none of those things.

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