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Belva Ann Lockwood

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Q: The first woman candidate for president?
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Who was the first woman candidate for president of India?

Smt.Pradeepa Patil

Who was the first afrian amermian woman to be a candidate for president in the US?

Belva Ann Lockwood

Is Jill Stein the first woman to run for president in the US?

Victoria Claflin Woodhullis best known as the first woman candidate for the United States presidency.

Who was the first woman candidite for president?

Assuming you are referring to the American president, the first female candidate would be Victoria Woodhull. In 1872, she ran for president after being nominated by the Equal Rights Party.

First female to run for president in the US?

Victoria Claflin Woodhullis best known as the first woman candidate for the United States presidency.

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Who was the first woman candidate for presidency?

Belva Ann Lockwood was the first woman candidate for president whose name appeared on some official ballots. Victoria Woodhull ran earlier but was underage for the presidency at the time and so was even less serious as a candidate than Lockwood. She got fewer than 500 popular votes. Hillary Clinton was the first serious candidate in 2008.

Who was the first lady to run for US president?

Margaret Madeline Chase Smith was an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination in the 1964 presidential election, but was the first woman to be placed in nomination for the presidency at a major party's convention.

Who was the first woman to run for president in the us?

Margaret Madeline Chase Smith was an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination in the 1964 presidential election, but was the first woman to be placed in nomination for the presidency at a major party's convention.

Why we don't have woman president in SA?

Because insufficient people have voted for such a candidate.

Is Michelle Obama vice president?

No, Michelle Obama is President Obama's wife, the First Lady. Although there have been females who were candidates for both president and vice president, so far, the United States has never had a woman president, nor a woman vice president. It should be noted that some sources expect Hillary Clinton to be a candidate for president in 2016: if she does decide to run, she will be the first former First Lady to also run for president. Michelle Obama has also been asked about running for office after her husband is no longer president; but she has said that at this point, she has no interest in being a political candidate.

Who was president when Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated for vice president by a major political party?

Geraldine Ferraro ran for Vice-President with Presidential candidate Walter Mondale on the Democratic ticket in 1984.