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Q: The ancient Israelite faith is known today as what religion?
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What is the ancient Israelite faith known today as what religion?


What was the faith of the Israelites known as?

In ancient times, religions did not tend to have special names, but were simply identified with the people who followed that religion, or with the god of the religion. Since the religion of early Israel and Judah were very similar, modern researchers simply refer to the common beliefs as the Hebrew religion. It is very likely that a visitor to Israel would simply have spoken of the 'Israelite religion' and a visitor to Judah would simply have spoken of the 'religion of Judah'. The religion of Judah is now known as Judaism.We now know that the early religions of Israel and Judah were remarkably similar to the religions of other West Semitic nations and the same gods were worshipped, but the Israelites and Judahites also worshipped a national God they called YHWH (Yahweh). Mark S. Smith (The Early History of God) says that according to the available evidence, Israelite religion in its earliest form did not contrast markedly with the religions of its Levantine neighbours in either number or configuration of deities. He says that in the Judges period, Israelite divinities may have included Yahweh, El, Baal and perhaps Asherah as well as the sun, moon and stars. He adds the goddess Astarte for the monarchical period.

What was the main religion of ancient Israel?

The religion of Moses (now known as Judaism).

What was the main religion ancient Israel?

The religion of Moses (now known as Judaism).

What religion did the faith of the israelites become known as?

The faith of the Israelites became known as Judaism. This is because, though the entire nation was known as Israel, but Rehoboam broke away and called his own kingdom Israel, taking 10 of the original 12 Israelite tribes with him. The two tribes left in the south were Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, the far larger of which was Judah, so the southern kingdom came to be known as such. Therefore, those living in Judah, were called Jews. After the Babylonian exile, the kingdom of Israel to the north was dispersed, and the 10 tribes of that kingdom were lost, leaving only Judah to carry on the Israelite faith. Thus, the only people left who believed in the God of Abraham were those from Judah - Jews. Accordingly, the religion they believed in was called Judaism.

The Jews of ancient history were known as?

The Jewish religion was known as Hebrew, which is also the name of the ancient, textual language they use for religious ceremonies.

What religion did the ancient Hebrews begin to develop?

It has been known for millennia as "Judaism."

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Ancient Greek Known now as "Pagan"

What is the Hebrew religion known as today?

The Hebrew (or Israelite) religion is called Judaism, religion of the Jews.

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Before its Christianization in 988, they followed ancient Slavic folklore and religion that is known today as pagan.