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There are two countries contained "Congo" on their names in Africa:

Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Congo-Kinshasa

Republic of the Congo, or Congo-Brazzaville

The answer below is valid for Democratic Republic of the Congo, (the largest)

As a result of its equatorial location, the Congo experiences high precipitation and has the highest frequency of thunderstorms in the world. The annual rainfall can total upwards of 2,000 millimetres (80 in) in some places, and the area sustains the Congo Rainforest, the second largest rain forest in the world (after the Amazon)

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Q: Is the Congo a tropical rain forest?
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What are the names of the rain forests in Africa?

Congo Tropical Rain Forest. and the ball rain forest

What is the difference between the tropical rain forest and the tropical forest?

The Tropical Rain Forest has more rain than a tropical forest.

Where is Congo forest?

The Congo river rain-forest is in Africa.

What forest does the Congo river run through?

The Congo rain forest.

Where is Congo rain forests?

The Congo river rain-forest is in Africa.

What river flows through Africa's tropical rain forest?

The Niger river.

How many insects in the Congo rain forest?

i've never been a congo rain forest. i dont know.

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The tropical rain forest.

What and a tropical rain forest?

a rain forest

What is the of second largest rain forest?

[1] The world's largest rain forest is the Amazon Basin. [2] Most sources identify the second largest as the Congo Basin rain forest. A minority opinion gives the title to the Daintree rain forest of Australia. But the sizes of the Amazon, Congo and Papua New Guinea rain forests run in the millions. And the figures for Daintree are in the thousands. So Daintree's claim to fame may be as Australia's largest rain forest, and as the world's oldest at 135 million years. [3] The third largest is uniformly being identified as Papua New Guinea's Gulf Province rain forest.

Where does tropical rain rain?

In a tropical rain forest or anywhere tropical that is rains =)

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