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no definitely not. And if you do it will be pretty bad for you. If you don't eat you could lose 3kg's maybe. U r probably bored of hearing this but the best way is a 1 hour brisk walk a day and no carbs after lunch

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Q: Is it possible to lose 5kg's in 3 days?
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No! It depends on how much you weigh in order for you to lose weight in ten days. 3 out of 10 chance possibly 30% of 100% the least.

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Yes an easier way is to hula hoop for 15 minutes and some peoplee like myself have claimed to lose a whole inch! In three days you could use 3 inches hoped this helped!

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That would be about 1 pound every 2 to 3 days. It is possible, but it would require a lot of exercise and dieting.

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It is not possible to lose three stone in one day.

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erm,in a

How do you lose weight in 3 to 7 days only?

3 days of time is very less time to expect weight loss. The recommended weight to lose in 7 days is maximum 3 pounds, by healthy diet and exercises we might lose these 3 pounds.

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It would not be possible to not urinate for 3 days.

How do you lose 4 lbs in 3 days?

Eat healthy and exercise.

How do you lose 3 kg in 2 days with liquid diet?

Physically impossible. A kg has 7700 calories, 3kg has 23100 calories. Unless you're able to starve yourself for 3 days and lose about 5500 calories through exercise each day, then no. You can't lose 3kg in 2 days.