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This is a matter of opinion. Obviously, staunch Republicans would see him as ruining the nation while Democrats would disgree. The US cleverly has excellent checks and balances on power so that no one branch of government can dominate. Besides, President Obama has been in office such a short time that no balanced view can be obtained at this juncture.


It is an opinion, but i am a republican and i did not get my flu shot in time thanks to obama. no affence, but he is ruining the country!


In order to think that President Obama is ruining our country you must have amnesia and selective blindness. He inherited a country that was in freefall due to the policies of the Bush administration. Fortunately history shows that the crash began before Bush left office. Also, there was no way he could carry out his campaign promises for two reasons:

  1. He didn't know of the damage being done to the economy under Bush. The sub-prime fiasco was a product of the Bush years and it affected every American and America will never be the same. The only entities that made up their losses were the large corporations. The little people whose retirement savings were decimated got nothing.
  2. The republican leaders, Mitch MacConnell in particular, vowed to obstruct his ability to govern and made it the priority to make certain Obama dod not win a second term. It is a shameful legacy.
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