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Q: How old was Nelson Mandele when he got out of prison?
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How old was Nelson Mandela when he got out of prison?

He was 72 when he was released from prison on February 11, 1990.

How old was Nelson Mandela after prison?

Nelson Mandela was 72 when he was released from prison.

How old is nelson Mandela when he was put in prison?

Forty five years old

How old was Nelson Mandela when he got released?

Nelson Mandela Was Approximately 72 years old when he was released from prison on February 11, 1990. He was arrested on August 5th, 1962. he was in prison for 27 years, from Robben island, then to Pollsmoor prison. After that he was released.

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nelson mandala was 23

How old was Nelson Mandela when he was sentenced?

He was 45 Years old when he was convicted of Terrorism, and sentanced to life in prison.

How old was Nelson Mandela when he got released in 1990?


What was Nelson Mandela's age when he got out of jail?

He was 78 years old.

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He got married at age 70.

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Why is Hawk Nelson named Gawk Nelson?

When Jason ( Lead Singer ) was about 14 years old, he played the video game 2 Xtreme on the Sony PlayStation. It required the player to create a name for the character. He got "Hawk" from Tony Hawk. And "Nelson" he got from a boot repair store in his hometown: Nelson Boot Repair.

How old was Nelson Mandela when he first went to school?

Nelson attended more than one college.Wesleyan CollegeFort Hare UniversityUniversity of London External Programme (from prison)University of South Africa (via correspondence)University of Witwatersrand