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Data transfer on LAN is much faster than on WAN.Thus replication and fragmentation will not increase throughput

and speed-up on a LAN, as much as in a WAN. But even in a LAN, replication

has its uses in increasing reliability and availability.

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Data transfer on LAN is much faster than on WAN. Thus replication and fragmentation will not increase throughput

and speedup on a LAN, as much as in a WAN. But even in a LAN, replication

has its uses in increasing reliability and availability.

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Q: How might a distributed database designed for a local area network differ from one designed for a wide area network?
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Three main types of database applications and briefly explain them with suitable example?

A collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. The following are examples of database applications:computerized library systemsautomated teller machinesflight reservation systemscomputerized parts inventory systemsFrom a technical standpoint, DBMSs can differ widely. The terms relational, network, flat, and hierarchical all refer to the way a DBMS organizes information internally. The internal organization can affect how quickly and flexibly you can extract information.

What is the differ between Replica and Archive in Lotus Notes?

In Notes, you can go to Help, then Help Topics, then search for information like this. Here's what Notes Help says: A replica is a duplicate of a database with the same replication ID number as the original database. Notes lets you create a local (offline) replica of any database you use. Through replication, Notes can keep a local replica identical with the database on the server, so you make changes once, but they appear in both places. Replication is the process of making replicas identical. Notes uses the replica ID number to locate and replicate all replicas of a database. A database copy (created by choosing File - Database - New Copy) does not have the same ID number as its original database, and doesn't replicate. A copy of a database file created through the operating system is a replica and does have the same ID number as the original database. Replication is a great tool to have when you're away from your office network, because working in a local replica is much faster than making the same changes over a dialup telephone connection. Replication also lets users on various networks in a variety of (physical) locations share the most current version of information in a database. An archive is a copy of a database you can create to store information no longer in use. Like a replica, an archive contains documents and design elements from the original database, but unlike a replica, an archive never sends any changes back to the original database.

What are the technical specifications of a solid state hard drive?

A solid state hard drive is a data storage device. It is designed to replace a mechanical hard disk, but does not contain any moving parts, storing data on flash memory chips. They differ from flash drives in that they are not designed to be removable, and are designed for speed, and not for low cost.

Explain the way in which packet switched networks differ is similar to circuit switched networks?

Computer networks would be packet switched whereas a phone network would be circuit switched. Obviously packet switched are going to be alot more reliable and apparantly cheaper and less harder on the environment.

How does a network computer differ from an 'ordinary' microcomputer?

Nowadays, there is very little difference. Almost any computer can be linked to a network. All you need is the correct software and connections, which are usually with the computer. Most computers now come as internet ready, so all you have to do is do a few things on settings to log on to your chosen network or internet service provider. Server computers are usually a bit larger in terms of memory and may have a different operating system on them to enable them to act as a server. Other than that, there is very little difference, as they can be used in the same way as other computers to do regular computing tasks.

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by telling the professor at ODU homework ?'s are being posted on this website

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Three main types of database applications and briefly explain them with suitable example?

A collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. The following are examples of database applications:computerized library systemsautomated teller machinesflight reservation systemscomputerized parts inventory systemsFrom a technical standpoint, DBMSs can differ widely. The terms relational, network, flat, and hierarchical all refer to the way a DBMS organizes information internally. The internal organization can affect how quickly and flexibly you can extract information.

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1 What are object-oriented databases and how do they differ from relational databases?

First of all, they may or may not differ. An object oriented database is a database you program by the use of small pieces, that, put together form an object. These objects can then be combined with other objects and/or be used separately. Actually, if you where to remove 'on leg' of the database that leg should be able to stand on its own. So goes the therory anyway. One relational database that has some benefits as an object oriented database is 4D. However, the stuff that one 'leg' can entirly support itself isn't actually true, however the objects are there and they do make a lot of sense. Am I making sense? --