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Mars is at its closest to earth: 54.6 million km

The top speed of the shuttle is: 27.870 km per hours

So: around 82 days

But that sounds quite difficult, then you still have to get back, have enough fuel (which weighs you down). On space sites, you'll find different data, from 6 months to 5 years but I just calculated under the ideal circumstance's: Smallest distance, top speed.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Well apart from the fact that the shuttle couldn't or isn't even capable of going so far.

..and it would also depend on when you launched the Shuttle, depending on acceleration, deceleration and the position of the planets at the time - assuming you wanted a planetary acceleration as well.

The average distance from the Earth to Neptune is about 4,564 million km and the shuttle at top speed is about 27,870 km/h so forgetting about minor details of acceleration etc, and planets positions, in a straight line, you would reach Neptune in about 18.7 years.

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10y ago

First, there are no more space shuttles.

Second, no space shuttle ever got higher than about 400 miles from the Earth; it would have been impossible for a Shuttle to ever leave Earth orbit and to go anywhere else. It couldn't carry any more fuel.

Third, if you had a magically infinite supply of fuel, a Space Shuttle could have made it to Jupiter in only a few years - but you would have run out of oxygen in about 3 weeks.

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9y ago

It would literally take for ever to get from Earth to Uranus using the Space Shuttle. That vehicle is incapable of making the trip, and even if it were, it could not sustain live long enough for you to get there, let alone return.

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1w ago

It would take around 150-300 days to travel from Earth to Mars using current space shuttle technology. The exact duration depends on the position of Earth and Mars in their respective orbits.

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14y ago

10-13 years

Voyager 2 made it there in 12 years.

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12y ago

Assuming you could fly in a straight line at the shuttles orbital speed of 17,600 mph it would take about little less than 2 and a half years to get to Europa.

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11y ago

2and a half months

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Q: How long would it take to get to Mars in a space shuttle?
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