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New York does not have term limits on the office of Governor.

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14y ago

The term is for four years without term limits.

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12y ago

Each term is four years.

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16y ago

2 years 2 years

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14y ago

Four years not subject to term limits.

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4 years

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In 2011.

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Q: How many years can a New York Governor serve for?
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Seven years.

How many terms can a new york governor serve?

There is no limit on how many terms a New York governor can serve. Other states with no term limits for governors are New Hampshire, Texas, and Utah.

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The term of office of Governor of Illinois is four years, and there is no limit on the number of terms a governor may serve.

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How many years is a term for nyc governor?

New York City does not have a governor; the head honcho there is the Mayor.

How many years can an IL governor serve?

That State House is called the General Assembly.

How many terms can a governor legally serve?

2 term witch is eight years

How many years did Brigham Young serve as govornor?

Seven years. 1851-1858. Governor of Utah territory.

How many terms can a NYS governor serve?

Those elected to the position of governor in the state of New York may serve an unlimited number of four-year terms. New York is one of 12 states, plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico with this type of gubernatorial term.

In the state of New Hampshire how may years may a governor serve?

He or she may serve as many two year terms as the voters decide to elect them for.