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Using this equation will help you understand what is going on: E=hc/wavelength

h and c are constants. As wavelength increases, energy decreases.

This is why UV radiation (which has a very small wavelength) has more energy than visible radiation, and this is also why UV radiation causes damage to living things

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13y ago

The light wave would carry more energy as the light's frequency increases. Not only that, you would see the light visually go from a deep red to a very bright violet-white. It would go across the electromagnetic spectrum, from infrared to ultra-violet light.

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14y ago

The shorter the wavelength (and the higher the frequency) the higher the energy.

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The energy of the photons decreases as the wavelength increases

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As wavelength increases, the amount of energy decreases.

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12y ago

As the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave increases, its frequency and energy decreases.

Wavelength is inversely proportional to energy.

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9y ago

Longer wavelength --> lower frequency --> less energy per photon.

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As the wavelength increases, the energy PER PHOTON decreases.

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Q: How does energy associated with waves change as wavelength changes?
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How does the energy associated with waves change as the wavelength change?

A short wavelength means higher energy

How does the energy associated with waves change wavelength changes?

a shorter wavelength means lower energy. A shorter wavelength means high energy

How does the energy associated with waves change as the wavelength changes?

a shorter wavelength means lower energy. A shorter wavelength means high energy

How does the engery associated with waves change as wave length changes?

If we condier the wave in the form of photons, then as wavelength increases then energy content of each photon decreases.

How does the energy associated with waves change as wavelength change?

As wavelength decreases, the energy associated with the waves increases. This is because shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies, which means each wave carries more energy. Conversely, longer wavelengths have lower frequencies and thus carry less energy.

How does the energy assoicated with waves change wave length changes?

As the wavelength of a wave decreases, the energy associated with the wave increases. This is because the energy of a wave is directly proportional to its frequency, and since frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength (wavelength = speed of wave / frequency), a decrease in wavelength results in an increase in frequency and energy.

Phase changes are not associated with a change in?

Phase changes, such as melting or freezing, are not associated with a change in temperature. Instead, the energy associated with phase changes is used to break or form intermolecular forces between molecules.

How does the energy associated with waves change as a wavelength changes?

In general, as the wavelength of a wave increases, the energy associated with the wave decreases. This is because shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies and carry more energy per cycle than longer wavelengths. Conversely, longer wavelengths have lower frequencies and carry less energy per cycle.

How does the amount of energy in the light changes as the wavelength increases?

The energy of the photons decreases as the wavelength increases

What happens to a wavelength if no energy is supplied to it?

If no energy is supplied to a wavelength, it will continue to propagate at a constant velocity in a vacuum (like the speed of light in the case of electromagnetic waves). However, if the medium through which the wave is traveling changes, its wavelength may be affected, but this change would not be due to a lack of energy supply.

What changes when an object moves?

When an object moves, its position changes with respect to time. Its velocity, which is the rate of change of its position, also changes. Additionally, its kinetic energy, which is the energy associated with its motion, changes.

How does photon energy change with wavelength?

The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength. This means that as the wavelength increases, the energy of the photon decreases. Conversely, as the wavelength decreases, the energy of the photon increases.