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As with most governments, mainly by blundering along

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it doesn't

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Q: How does the British government work?
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I am one, I live in Essex, England and am a man who used to work for The British Government. I am married and have two adult children.

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"fixed and systematic." This suggests that Jefferson believed the abuses by the British government were not temporary or isolated incidents, but rather part of a deliberate and organized system of oppression.

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it was the same as the BritishObviously the the governments of many former British colonies are base on the British system of government and law. That and in some instances influences that came from the original culture and religion.

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After the American Revolution, the British government helped loyalists to settle in Canada. The British government offered them Canadian land in exchange for their service.

Which statement describes what the British colonists thought of the British government during the European wars of the 1700s?

The British government did not have the same interests as the colonists.

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in a parliametary democracy,voters elect representatives to a lawmaking body called parliament