Just don't add salt! I don't know much about the dish but it sure will make it healthy!
Answer#2 - Salt has already been added - chipped beef is a preserved/dried meat. It is thinly sliced or 'chipped,' then salted and dried - similar to beef jerky. It is traditionally served in a white sauce on toast. The dried beef can be rehydrated by soaking in water, but this process will also remove much of the flavor.
You can can also reduce the amount of salt by making your own using a dehydrator and spices.
Pepper to taste (usually -The salted meat is -Sufficient for salt) Contributed to the echo by: Paul Lang Make a white sauce by melting the butter in a double boiler, stirring in the flour and adding the milk gradually. Cook, stirring constantly to the thickened sauce. Add pepper and check for salt. Adjust if necessary. We like it served over toasted English Muffins. This will make enough sauce for about 6-8 muffin halves, depending on how generous you are with the sauce.
Chipped beef on toast (or creamed chipped beef on toast) is a culinary dish comprising a white sauce and rehydrated slivers of dried beef, served on toasted bread. This actually originated in the United States.
chipped beef yum.....
airtight aluminum cans
chipped beef yum.....
Amazing Taters
Home Cookin' With Dave's Mom
Home Cookin' with Dave's Mom
Home Cookin' with Dave's Mom
Home Cookin' with Dave's Mom
home cookin' with dave's mom
jerkys actually way easyer than that man! just lay the meat over the heating ducts for like a week or something! that's what jack links does!
Home Cookin' with Dave's Mom