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They affect shorelines because, they cause erosion so it causes the beach or island to shrink

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Waves and currents cause erosion. This is often barely noticable, but in some areas can be very dramatic.

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Q: What are the effects waves and current have on shorelines?
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What do you call the area where the shoreline is made up of material deposited by waves?

Much of the coarser sediment material supplied by rivers settles out near shorelines or on beaches.

How are waves measured?

It depends, if you mean light or sound waves, for example, there are a variety of factors to be measured: The length of a wave from peak to peak is represented with lambda. You can also measure velocity of a wave (how fast and in what direction it is moving). Frequency of light effects the color of the light, and frequency of sound effects its pitch.

What does Hz stand for and what does it measure?

Hertz, a frequency measurement unit equal to one cycle per second.

What is the name given to the current that transfers hot air from a radiator?

I think you mean a convection current. A convection current is the movement of fluids (gases and liquids) caused by density changes in various parts of the fluid. But a convection current can occur only from where the air output is present.( eg: Top of the radiator. ) The heat that you feel from the sides is due to IR waves (Radiation). Radiation can travel through an medium, and even without a medium, because of the fact that travels in the form of IR waves. Hope this helped! :-)

Longshore current and longshore drift?

Longshore current is the movement of water nearest the coast. Usually caused by tides. Longshore drift is the movement of beach or coastal material, by longshore drift. The action of waves loosen the material, which is then moved by the current and deposited further down tide. The action is greater during storms.

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When waves crash against rocks on coasts or shorelines?

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How do waves change shorelines?

Waves can change shorelines through processes like erosion, transport, and deposition. Erosion happens when waves remove sediment from a shoreline, transport moves sediment along the coast, and deposition occurs as waves deposit sediment in new locations. These processes can shape and change shorelines over time.

How do waves changes the shorelines?

Waves can change shorelines by eroding sediment and carving out land, leading to coastal erosion. They can also deposit sediment, building up beaches and forming new land formations. The strength and direction of waves, as well as the presence of natural barriers like reefs or cliffs, all influence how shorelines are shaped over time.

How do waves shape the shorelines?

Waves shape shorelines through erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments. As waves crash onto the shore, they can wear away rocks and sediment, moving material along the coast. The size, frequency, and direction of waves all contribute to shaping the coastline over time.

Is the constant action of waves a major source of erosion along shorelines?


What agent of erosion is most likely responsible for the deposition of sandbars along ocean shorelines?

Ocean waves are the agent of erosion most likely responsible for the deposition of sandbars along ocean shorelines. As waves hit the shoreline, they transport sand and sediment, leading to the formation of sandbars.

What are different types of shorelines and their characteristics?

Shorelines can be classified as rocky, sandy, or muddy based on the material that composes them. Rocky shorelines are rugged with high energy waves, sandy shorelines are typically flat with gentle waves, and muddy shorelines are soft and muddy with low wave energy. Each type of shoreline supports different ecosystems and plays a unique role in coastal processes.

Do headlands or bays or regular shorelines experience more erosion?

headlands will experience the most, because they are the line of least resistance (sticking out into the sea) and will catch the full force of the waves, as opposed to the bays and shorelines they shelter.

What is the name of a strong current?

A strong current can also be called a rip tide. They are dangerous underlying currents that can exist along shorelines.

When may a storm not produced high-energy waves?

A storm may not produce high-energy waves when it is not accompanied by strong winds or when it does not have a significant fetch (distance over which wind can blow). Additionally, if the storm is not located in an area with a steep seabed, it may not generate high-energy waves.

Are waves harsher in winter?

In general, waves tend to be larger and more powerful in the winter due to stronger winds and storms. Additionally, winter storms can create swells that travel long distances and result in bigger waves hitting shorelines.