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Q: How can you get your parents to let you grow up?
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How to let your parents let you grow up?

Well it depends what you mean by grow up. If you mean getting percings,boyfriends/girlfriends they have to trust you. If you get good grades and behave they will most likely let you do more. GOOD LUCK ;D

How do i get to see the boy i like when my parents wont let me go?

either wait until you grow up to get one or runaway from your parents.

Why do children resemble their parents?

Children ALWAYS take their parents as a rolemodel in when growing up, and they just let go of their rolemodel parent and grow with that parents personality.

Why wont your parents let you do anything by yourself you need to grow up they wont let you?

Just explain to them on how your old enough and they need to be more reasonable and let you do what you want but say it out slowly

Did a deer grow up Did it grown up with its parents siblings or alone?

Baby deer usually grow up with there parents

How do you ask parents to baby you?

The term to baby someone is usually used when parents donÕt let their children grow up. Most people donÕt like to be babied, if you want your parents to baby you, act immature and let them make all your decisions for you.

Why wont my parents let me get my cartilage pierced?

Your parents could feel that your too young or you need to wait also they don't want you to grow up I had to wait till I was 11 to get mine

How do you encourage your parents to let your grow your hair the way you want?

Tell them they did it when they were kids...

What do you do if my parents are bugging me and wont get off my baCk?

Dont worry your parents are just doing that because they love you and want you to grow up safley so just let them sit around awhile

Will a pitbull puppy grow to look exactly like its parents?

no a pitbull will not grow up to be exacly like its parents

Did Albert Einstein grow up with his parents?


How do you thicken up grass?

let it grow