Their abusers tell them they are worth nothing and that they are lucky to have someone like them because no one else would want them. They become dependant because their self esteem has been brought down so far, they wouldn't know what to do on their own. They can't just go find someone new, because now they believe no one else would want them. It's a really sad deal.
They have been abused for quite a while and start to internalize it. Most abusers are verbal as well as physical abusers. They manage to convince their victims that it's all the victims fault, and that they disserve what is happening to them. By the time many of them
Yes, but don't fall for it. They will be sweet and charming until they get you back into their clutches. It is almost a game for them. Yes, often this is used truthfully against you. What I mean is that most abusers have horrific past. They were often abused and neglected themselves. They often have a track record a mile long. My husband abused two women before me. Had a child with the first and was taken to court and convicted of a felony with the second. I knew all of this when I started to date him and was taght to blame his past on these women. I became trapped when he got me pregnant. I wanted a normal healthy life for my baby. That
Women's shelters and domestic violence agencies and organizations are of help to abused women in Chicago, as well as any children that these women may have.
they get abused by having a argument. they get abused by having a argument.
Yes they were
There is only a very small percentage of men who actually can achieve this. More women will seek out psychological counseling than men. Men feel weak if they do so, and also abusers feel it's everyone else's fault and never their own. Often it's the environment they themselves have been brought up in. If you are the abuser by coming on this board it was a big step for you and there is real hope that you can get over this. The next step is to seek psychological counseling. We all carry garbage tied to our butts through life and you must have some issues to deal with as well. If you are a woman, go to your Abused Women's Center in your town and seek out help. You will get plenty of it there. If you are a man that is abused, there are Abused Centers for Men and everything is highly confidential whether it be man or woman. Good luck Marcy
Sure there are. Go to google and type in pictures of abused woman.
Way more than 1000 women a day get abused in the united states, that will change by day whether its more or less. Women are abused a lot, either from their significant other or even by someone around them.
I know that I was abused for many years, first by my father, then by men I dated.I do not tolerate the abuse and leave the situation. I am now married and my husband used to try to bully and hit me, then....I beat him down. I did this to all the men who have abused me and it works to make them stop.I fight dirty and I always defend myself. I wouldn't say that I start the fights but I definitely finish them. Needless to say, they don't touch me EVER!!They know I'm not afraid to defend myself and I'm not afraid to do it by any means necessary to remove myself from the situation and get away from the violence.I think that women that are abused fall into to two categories:Victims and Victors. I am the latter.I encourage any woman to get away from the abuse and further more, men who hit women are bullies and there is always one way to stop a bully...stand up to them.AnswerNo, women which account for 39% of abusers, always were abusers, though they may claim they were victims in the past. In mandatory counseling, they see themselves as the forefront of women's empowerment over men. see links
How about the men?