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At the moment, no. If anyone in line to the throne becomes, or marries a Roman Catholic, they lose their place in the line of succession.

In 2011, all the Commonwealth members agreed to make changes to the laws regarding succession, namely overturning the ban on catholics and male-preference primogeniture. These have yet to be formally put in place though.

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12y ago
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15y ago

No, certainly not. It is prohibited by the Act of Settlement 1701 and came about because the English felt that they had suffered under Roman "Popery" for many years (think witch burning, inquisitions etc.) It would be interesting for a potential candidate to take this issue to the European Courts and sue under the Human Rights Act (which they could do in a British court in the first instance). As EU law takes precedence over national law for member nations it'd be an interesting case.

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10y ago

There is no law in place that the Prime Minister cannot be Catholic. However, it would certainly cause difficulties as the Prime Minister's job description includes advising the Sovereign on appointing senior clerics in the Church of England, and the Catholic Relief Act of 1829, section 17 specifically forbids Catholics from advising the sovereign on ecclesiastical matters which is in the job description, so to speak.

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14y ago

There does not appear to be a law that requires membership in an specific religion as a condition of becoming Prime Minister. One day there might be a Catholic Prime Minister.

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13y ago

Yes, a catholic may become first minister.

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12y ago

Yes you can - the last one was Tony Blair.

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11y ago

Religion does not affect ones ability to become a politician in the UK. The main requirement is that you must be a natural British citizen.

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14y ago

Tony Blair for starters.

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