

South Africa History

South African history stretches back to the Khoisan tribes. Since then Europeans, Indians, and Chinese soon arrived in the country. White South Africans are of European descents, while Modern-day South Africans are a mixture of nationalities.

478 Questions

In the saheel overgrazing and drought have resulted in a decrease in the grassland region. what is this process called?

This process is called desertification, where overgrazing and drought lead to the degradation of grassland and the transformation of the area into desert-like conditions.

Why is Africa the cradle of human kind?

Africa is considered the cradle of humankind because it is where some of the earliest remains of hominins, our human ancestors, have been found. The continent's diverse environments provided the necessary conditions for human evolution to occur over millions of years. Additionally, Africa's geographic isolation allowed for the evolution of distinct human species before their eventual migration to other continents.

Did shaka zulu have a sister?

Yes, Shaka Zulu had a half-sister named Nomcoba. She was the daughter of Shaka's father, Senzangakhona, and another wife of his, not Nandi, Shaka's mother.

What resources do people in Libya use to move from one place to another?

this may not be the right answer but i believe they built cites and towns near water sources like oasis or rivers

Does Africa have any presidents?

Yes. Many of the countries of Africa have their own presidents.

Who are the Khoi people of Southern Africa?

Go here:

and scroll down to "The Khoi People (Hottentots)" and read!

What is one of the big citys in Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa, famous for its wildlife, rivers and waterfalls. The city with the largest population is also the nation's capital, Harare. The city of Harare has a population of 1.6 million and the urban area's population is 2.8 million (as of 2006). The second and third most populous cities are Bulawayo and Gweru.

Why did Mandela decide to use violence?

Malcolm X did not "use violence." He advocated for the moral right to use violence against an unjust aggressor attempting to do violence against you.

What is the relationship between the slave trade and racism?

Slavery led to racism in the Americas because the slaves began to be seen as nothing but slaves, their lack of experience in the real world rendered them very naive, and their culture was much different from the White's. That, combined with the ignorance of the slave owners which was compounded with things like Jim Crowe and the general atmosphere that the slaves were the inferior servants led to racism.

When did South Africa become a republic?

India gained its independence in 1947. At this same time India was partitioned into the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan.

Why did the south have large plantations?

The South didn't NEED slavery but wanted it so that they didn't have to do work for example: slaves were made pick cotton so that the southerners didn't have to. so its not that they NEEDED slavery but that they WANTED slavery the thought of slavery as a way of life.

What imperial countries colonized Africa?

  • Denmark (1650's-1850's)
  • Netherlands (1650's-1800's)
  • Belgium (1880's-1960's)
  • United Kingdom (1660's-1980's)
  • France (1620's-1970's)
  • Germany (1680's-1910's)
  • Italy (1880's-1960's)
  • Portugal (1470's-1970's)
  • Spain (1470's-1970's)

Why were slaves traded in the middle passage?

The middle passage was a terrible experiance for the slaves as they were all chained up lying on wooden pannels which would often have more slaves above them, they we're fed disgusting nasty food and were abused physically and mentaly. They were often exercised and given fresh air once or twice a day and were made to dance etc. They were treated like this for many many weeks, even months. So thats why:)

Writen by a 13yr old girl from scotland;D

How did the Dutch impact the natives of South Africa?

The Dutch usurped the land of the South African natives and then proceeded to totally disenfranchise them. Natives were only permitted to reside in designated communities. Racial segregation was the law of the land, and any who opposed the Apartheid government were ruthlessly put down.

When did shaka zulu die?

Shaka Zulu was assassinated by his half brother that felt it was unnecessary how King Shaka killed 7000 innocent people just because his mother died. His half brother later took thrown after Shaka's death. :(. King Shaka was assassinated by his half brothers Dingane and Mhlangana with the help of their aunt the great Mkabayi to assume control of the Zulu nation.

What are the five major laws of apartheid?

Apartheid prohibited adultery, mixed marriages, integration of races, communism, and strike action by blacks.

What were Steve biko's beliefs?

One of his beliefs was that.Blacks have lost their confidence,because they have lived under the white minority power dorminant socierty for a long time.

In order to regain freedom,blacks must re-build their confidence and put an end to dependance in whites.

What did apartheid imply for nonwhites?

Apartheid implied for nonwhites that they were the dominant citizens of South Africa. Apartheid made them feel as if they were better than the blacks. It molded them to discriminate and hate someone just because of their race. It created legal unjust regulations that promoted unnecessary hatred against innocent people.

Did slaves ever try to escape in groups?

Most were prisoners of war in one of the many ongoing tribal conflicts, sold to the slave traders to get them off of the chief's hands and make a profit from them, while also keeping them from returning to their own tribe. A few were hunted and captured like large game animals.

Similarities between Indian pastrolists and massai herders?

they lost their land to colonial powers. , their land was transformed into cultivable land. , the movement was restricted.

Why heritage controversial and debated?

Because the Africaans became landlord of all the land and the Black People did not have a right to own and therefore could not pass it on to succeding generations.

What were the justifications of slavery prior to the eighteenth century?

The justifications of slavery during the eighteenth century were little to none until close to the end. Slavery was not a subject that was questioned whether it was ethical to keep the slave trade going. By 1750, still no one seriously discussed or questioned the existence of slavery. By 1888, the institution of slavery no longer existed in the transatlantic economy. Prior to the eighteenth century however, there were justifications to slavery. Chattel slavery did exist however prior to the eighteenth century. Chattel slavery is the ownership of one human being by another (existed in the West). Plato and Aristotle both provided arguments for slavery based on the assertion that persons in bondage were intended by nature to be slaves. Christian writers accommodated themselves similarly to the institution. They contended that the most harmful form of slavery was that of the enslavement of the soul to sin rather than the enslavement of physical body. They also argued that genuine freedom was recognized from the relationship one has with God and that if problems arise that relate to the injustices of inequality would be solved in the Hereafter. Christina Scholastic thinkers in the Middle Ages had portrayed slavery as a part of the natural and necessary hierarchy of the world and universe.