


Computer Monitors

Computer monitors are television-like devices used to display graphical information from a computer. They have been the primary form of displaying output to the computer user for decades. Questions about computer monitors and monitor display technologies belong here.

2,557 Questions

Will computer consume more energy?

Yes, running a computer will consume more energy than when it is turned off or in sleep mode. The amount of energy consumption will vary based on the computer's usage, specifications, and power settings. Properly shutting down or putting a computer in sleep mode when it's not in use can help save energy.

What two major constituents form the alloy duralumin?

Duralumin is an aluminum alloy that consists primarily of aluminum and copper, along with smaller amounts of magnesium and manganese. This combination of elements provides duralumin with strength, lightness, and good corrosion resistance, making it a popular choice for aerospace applications.

What is the largest river or drainage basin in the world?

The largest river in the world by volume of water discharge is the Amazon River in South America. The largest drainage basin in the world is also the Amazon River Basin, covering an area of about 7 million square kilometers.

Disadvantages of liquid crystal display?

Some disadvantages of liquid crystal displays (LCDs) include limited viewing angles where the screen is harder to see from the side, potential image retention known as ghosting, and the presence of backlight bleed which can affect image quality. Additionally, LCDs can consume more power compared to newer display technologies such as OLED.

How do you mix 99.5 percent isopropyl alcohol with distilled water to be sure that's save for LCD screen cleaning?

To create a safe solution for cleaning an LCD screen, mix 70% isopropyl alcohol with 30% distilled water. This ratio is effective in cleaning the screen without causing damage or streaks. Be sure to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the screen before applying it more broadly.

What factors determine the quality of soap?

The quality of soap is determined by the ingredients used, ratio of fats to lye, curing time, scent, colorants, and additives like exfoliants or moisturizers. The method of production, such as hot process or cold process, can also affect the quality of the final soap product. Additionally, personal preferences and skin sensitivities play a role in determining the quality of soap for individual users.

1 Who invented the liquid crystal display?

The liquid crystal display (LCD) was invented by George H. Heilmeier, a physicist working for RCA, in 1968. His work laid the foundation for the development of LCD technology that we use in many electronic devices today.

What are the three monitoring devices scientists use on volcanoes?

Scientists use seismometers to monitor earthquake activity, gas sensors to measure gas emissions, and tiltmeters to track any ground deformation caused by magma movements beneath the surface of a volcano.

Can civilians buy GPS ankle monitors?

In most cases, GPS ankle monitors are used as a form of supervision or monitoring by the criminal justice system, so they are not typically available for purchase by civilians.

List 10 output devices?







Infrared Transmitter

CNC Milling Machines

Computer Output Microfilm (COM)

Modem (both input and output device)

How does a plotting compass work?

A plotting compass works by utilizing the Earth's magnetic field to align itself with the magnetic north pole. The needle inside the compass is magnetized and will always point towards the Earth's magnetic north. This allows users to determine direction when navigating with a map.

Power for a computer how many amps does it take to run a computer monitor and computer?

The amperage required to run a computer and monitor can vary depending on their power consumption. A typical desktop computer consumes around 3-6 amps, while a monitor can use around 1-2 amps. It's important to check the specifications of your specific devices to determine the exact amperage they require.

How do you cure ITB strain cause by running?

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) can help reduce inflammation and pain. Stretching and strengthening exercises for the hip and thigh muscles as well as proper running form can also help prevent ITB strain from recurring. If pain persists, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

What is the chemical formula of the liquid crystals used in LCD?

The liquid crystals used in LCDs do not have a single chemical formula, as they can be made from various compounds. However, common liquid crystal molecules include mixtures of organic compounds such as p-ethoxybenzylidene-p'-n-butylaniline (EBBA) or 4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl (5CB).

Should a CO monitor be placed near the floor?

A carbon monoxide (CO) monitor should ideally be placed at a medium height on the wall, about 5 feet from the ground. This allows it to detect CO levels at a level where it can provide effective early warning without being obstructed by furniture or curtains. Additionally, it is recommended to have a monitor on each level of a home for optimal safety.

What type of scans give the most high quality images of the soft tissues of the brain?

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans are known for providing high quality images of soft tissues in the brain. They offer excellent detail and are commonly used to visualize structures like the brain's gray and white matter, as well as any abnormalities in soft tissues.

What are the best solar shades or screens?

Some popular brands for solar shades and screens include Coolaroo, Phifer, and Bali. Look for options with a high UV protection rating and a tight weave to effectively block sunlight while maintaining visibility. Consider customizing the size and color to match your aesthetic preferences.

What is the name of spec for the holes in a monitor's aperture grill?

It is called dot pitch the measurement from the center of one hole to the center of the hole next to it.

Can you hook up two subwoofers to one receiver?

Yes, you can hook up two subwoofers to one receiver by using a Y-splitter cable that splits the subwoofer output from the receiver into two separate signals. Just make sure that the receiver can support two subwoofers and adjust the settings accordingly for optimal performance.

Identify three things that may cause monitor flicker?

Monitor flicker may be caused by loose cables or connectors, refresh rate settings that are incompatible with the monitor, and issues with the monitor's power supply. Other potential causes include electromagnetic interference from nearby electronic devices or a malfunctioning graphics card.

How do you change your monitor?

To change your monitor, first make sure it is powered off. Then disconnect the cables (HDMI, DisplayPort, power) from your current monitor. Place the new monitor in the desired position, connect the cables, and power it on. Adjust the display settings on your computer as needed.

What can you do with knowledge?

Knowledge can be used to make informed decisions, solve problems, and innovate in various fields. It can also enhance personal growth, facilitate learning, and contribute to the advancement of society as a whole. Ultimately, knowledge empowers individuals and enables them to adapt to changing circumstances and excel in their endeavors.

What is principle behind the touch screen and how to troubleshoot it?

A touch screen operates by detecting the presence and location of a touch on the screen through various technologies such as capacitive or resistive. To troubleshoot touch screen issues, you can try restarting the device, cleaning the screen with a microfiber cloth, checking for software updates, calibrating the touch settings, or testing the touch functionality with diagnostic tools. If issues persist, it may be a hardware problem that requires professional repair.