


Talk Shows

Airing both early morning and late night, talk shows keep viewers on top of current events and pop culture. Ask questions about talk shows and their famous hosts here.

1,843 Questions

What year did The Johnny Carson Show start?

The Johnny Carson Show, also known as "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson," began in 1962. Johnny Carson took over as host from Jack Paar and went on to become one of the most iconic late-night television hosts in history. His tenure on the show lasted until 1992.

What kind of socks does David Letterman wear?

He told me before his show today that he was once given 1,000 free pairs of knee high light socks and he has been wearing them ever since.

According to his assistant, Stephanie Birkitt, the socks are actually light gray, and he has never given anyone a straight answer as to why he wears them. Once, on a dare (hers), he wore fluorescent pink socks on the show.

One credible though unsubstantiated theory is that the socks are a subtle protest: When Letterman moved to CBS, his new contract stipulated that he (as well as Paul Schaeffer and all male band members) wear a suit or coat and tie on the air. (At NBC he typically wore slacks and a sweater.) The contract said nothing about socks, however; so, the theory goes, his light gray socks are a passive and humorous form of rebellion against the CBS dress code.

Who appeared as guests in johnny Carson show the most times?

The guest who appeared most frequently on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" was comedian Bob Hope, with over 130 appearances. Other notable frequent guests included actor and singer Bing Crosby, actress Joan Rivers, and comedian Don Rickles. These guests were favorites of Johnny Carson and helped contribute to the show's success over the years.

Why is David Letterman annoying?

Well, honey, some people might find David Letterman annoying because of his sarcastic humor or his sometimes awkward interviews. But hey, comedy is subjective, so what annoys one person might crack up another. At the end of the day, it's all about personal taste, so if he's not your cup of tea, just change the channel and move on with your fabulous life.

Is Ellen DeGeneres a guy?

Ellen is in fact a female, or girl, but she is also a lesbian, or a girl who goes out with girls.

Other Contributions:
  • A lesbian girl with a boyish hair style and wardrobe
  • She's a woman who is married to another woman called Portia De Rossi
  • no shes a girl, but she is lesbian
  • no just because she has short hair doesn't mean she is a boy

Did guests get paid on johnny Carson tonight show?

Guests on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" did not typically get paid to appear on the show. The show provided a platform for celebrities and public figures to promote their work and connect with a wide audience, which often resulted in increased visibility and opportunities for the guests. In some cases, guests may have received compensation for their appearances through their agents or as part of a promotional agreement, but it was not a standard practice for the show.

Did Ellen DeGeneres ever date a man?

Oh, dude, Ellen DeGeneres actually did date a man back in the day. Yeah, before she came out as gay, she was in a relationship with a guy. But hey, love is love, right? Like, who cares who she dated as long as she's happy now.

Does Oprah Winfrey have a scar down the right side of her face?

It looks like it is from long term use of a sleep apnea (CPAP) apparatus. The marks from the straps can remain for hours especially if one is prone to fluid retention. Oprah is a busy woman and it's a small price to pay for a good night's sleep.

Where does Jimmy Spencer live?

Oh, dude, like, Jimmy Spencer lives in a house. I mean, unless he's crashing at a friend's place or camping in the wilderness, you know? But like, if you're trying to track him down, maybe start with Google Maps or something. Good luck on your detective mission!

What were the name of Johnny Carsons characters?

Ah, the wonderful world of Johnny Carson! He had several memorable characters on his show, such as Art Fern, Floyd R. Turbo, and Aunt Blabby. Each character brought their own unique charm and humor to "The Tonight Show," creating moments that still bring smiles to our faces today.

Are the weddings on Jerry Springer's TV show legal?

The weddings on Jerry Springer's TV show are typically ceremonial and not legally binding. In order for a marriage to be legal, it must comply with the laws and regulations of the state or country where the marriage takes place. The weddings on the show are often for entertainment purposes and may not involve the necessary legal requirements to be considered valid marriages. It is important for couples to ensure they follow the proper legal procedures to have a legally recognized marriage.

Did Jay Leno serve in Vietnam?

No, Jay Leno did not serve in the Vietnam War. He was born in 1950, making him too young to have served in the conflict, which took place from 1955 to 1975. Leno did, however, graduate from high school in 1968, the same year the Tet Offensive occurred in Vietnam.

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What was the name of Johnny Carson's phobia of backing into a doorknob?

Johnny Carson's phobia of backing into a doorknob was known as "knokephobia." This term is a combination of the word "knob" and the Greek word "phobos," meaning fear. Carson famously mentioned this fear on his late-night talk show, "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson."

What books has Dr Phil written?

Dr. Phil McGraw has written several books, some of which include "Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out," "Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World," and "Relationship Rescue: A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with Your Partner."

Who did 'Talkers Magazine' list as the number one in there top 25 list as the greatest radio talk show host of all time?

According to 'Talkers Magazine,' the number one radio talk show host of all time is Rush Limbaugh. He was a prominent conservative commentator and host of "The Rush Limbaugh Show" before passing away in 2021.

Where can you find the Saturday Night Live skit of Chris Rock as Arsenio Hall?

You can find the Saturday Night Live skit featuring Chris Rock as Arsenio Hall on the official Saturday Night Live YouTube channel or on the NBC website under the Saturday Night Live section. You can also check streaming platforms that offer SNL content.

What is the title of Jay Leno's 1996 autobiography?

PCH: Leading With My Chin Correct Did you know:

When host Johnny Carson retired, Jay Leno prevailed over David Letterman to replace him on "The Tonight Show".

What does Sam say in french on iCarly?

It's Italian, not French. Sam says "Ti consiglio di fare gli auguri di compleanno a Carly ora altrimenti ti spezzo le gambe!"

(Roughly translates to "I suggest you tell Carly 'happy birthday' or I'll break your legs!")

How do you say talk to you tomorrow in spanish?

Hablamos mañana

Le / les / te / os hablo mañana

I'm not a native speaker, but it would probably depend on the setting (how formal you want to be) "Mañana" is short for "Hasta mañana" which is used in Spanish in situations we in English would say "Talk to you tomorrow". Literally translated it means "Until tomorrow". You could also use "Nos vemos" o "Nos vemos mañana" which literally translates as "We'll see each other tomorrow" which is more like "See you tomorrow" o "I'll see you tomorrow" in English.
To say "I will talk to you tomorrow", one would say: "Te hablare manana" Pronunciation: Tay Ahb-lar-ay mahnyana