There is no exercise that will cause an individual to lose fat in a specific area. The only way to reduce fat deposits and overall body weight is to expend more calories than one consumes. A difference of 3600 calories will equal one pound of fat. This means that you will need to either burn 3600 net calories or consume 3600 fewer calories than you expend to lose one pound. Some aerobic exercises that burn the most calories for a given period of time are, cycling, running, running or walking up steps, Racquetball, and an impact or step aerobic class. However, the best exercise is one that you enjoy and will stick to. Running ten miles is great, but not if you don't bother to do it.
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You cannot spot reduce- any exercise that's useful at burning fat will be equally successful in its ability to reduce belly fat. No exercise can specifically target and remove fat from a particular area.
You can do exercises for your abs (crunches, belly dance, etc) to give the appearance of less body fat.. This will develop the muscles and may give the illusion of less belly when you suck your stomach in.
Exercise should be made a basic and constant part of your lifestyle. You should get at least thirty minutes of aerobic exercise everyday. This can be as simple as swimming, jogging, or riding a bike. In addition, some weight training, at least two times a week is also important. Weight training builds muscles, and muscles burn fat.
For further information about fat burning, see the page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."
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Any cardiovascular (cardio) exercise that works to burn body fat overall will be equally successful in its ability to burn belly fat if you combine it with a change in eating habits. Changing your eating habits, in addition to exercise, is essential. Any exercise, sport or activity that increases your heart and respiration rate for a specific period is cardio exercise. There are different degrees ranging from mild to intense. Intense cardio includes running, interval training, and graded exercise protocol. Brisk walking is an example of mild cardio exercise.
At the bottom of this answer, you will find a page links leading to free cardio exercise plans both mild and intense.
Many people need exercises to burn belly fat because fat accumulating around the abdomen is a sign of insulin resistance. Insulin is the chief fat storage hormone that spikes when you eat too many carbohydrates (particularly refined processed carbohydrates). When digested all carbohydrates (even 'good' carbohydrates) become sugar. Think of eating carbohydrates as eating sugar and think of eating refined processed carbohydrates as eating concentrated sugar.
Over-consumption of refined processed carbohydrates is a major cause of such things as insulin resistance and fat accumulating around the abdomen or stomach, unwanted weight gain, obesity, Heart disease, high blood pressure, borderline and type 2 Diabetes, plus many other diet related conditions and diseases. If you are unsure what these foods are, at the bottom of this answer you will find a page link leading to a full list.
So, change your eating habits by eliminating or strictly limiting refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat) and make cardio exercise a part of your lifestyle to avoid excess belly fat by reducing or reversing insulin resistance. In addition, add weight/strength training to create a Metabolic Furnace. Weight/strength training will build more muscle and more muscle will burn more calories, twenty fours hours per day and not just when you are exercising.
Replace refined processed carbohydrates with more of the specific fat burning proteins and take advantage of the thermic effect of foods. In terms of the thermic effect, specific fat burning proteins have twice the power of the other foods groups because your body must work harder (burn more calories) to process it. Drinking plenty of water helps your body do this. If you are unsure what these foods are, at the bottom of this answer you will find a page link to a full list of the specific fat burning proteins, plus more about the thermic effect of these foods.
An excellent book (covering all the above in dietary rules in detail) that takes you by the hand and explains how to lose belly fat in a simple step-by-step way is the Belly Fat Blast by Anna Wright and Dennis E. Bradford, Ph.D. (Paperback or Kindle, which you can borrow or buy from Amazon.) It also shows you how many carbohydrates to eat daily and explains why you won't be hungry when you are eating those specific fats and those specific fat burning proteins from natural sources.
To burn belly fat and avoid fat accumulating around your abdomen or stomach in the future, use cardio exercises and weight/strength training if you are able, and eliminate or strictly limit (apart from an occasional treat) refined processed carbohydrates from your diet. Replace those refined processed carbohydrates with 'fat burning' foods, and make good use of the thermic effect. Even if you were unable to exercise, you could still achieve good results by following the dietary changes outlined in this answer and given in detail in the page links below.
For the plans, and detailed information, guiding you step-by-step, at your own pace, use the page links given below.
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You cannot spot reduce any section of your body unfortunately, however a good diet and exercise program including cardio and Weightlifting will help in reducing these areas
Diet exercise. Lots of exercise. Eat foods high in protien (eggs steaks beans ) avoid carbs (bread potatoes pasta)
You can go to a gym and work with a personal trainer. They are sure to get you on the right track. If you want to exercise at home you can do simple exercise routines like crunches.
The best way to loose belly fat is intake fiber and a good amount of water also having a healthy diet and watching portion size at every meal.It is also important to get at least an hour of exercise 3 times a week to speed up the metabolism.
The best way to remove any unwanted body fat would be through diet and exercise. They both have been proven to help anyone loose weight. So join a gym
This device has no known beneficial results. The best belly buster is diet and exercise, such as crunches.
Swimming is the best option. You can also work out (exercise) Or take medicines that reduce your belly's fatness
Regular exercise using sit ups.
There is no fast way to get rid of belly fat. The best thing to do is eat right and get plenty of exercise.
Exercise and avoid junk food. Maybe green tea, hoodia, and/or apple cider vinegar tablets will help to diet. Exercise and avoiding junk foods are the best way to lose weight. Please don't loose too much and starve yourself to death or disability.
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Star jumps and swimming are good exercises for pear shaped women. Swimming works out the back and belly muscles and allows pear shaped women to look trim with time.
Diet and exercise is the only way to loose a big belly. One of the best sites I have read is a run by Dr. Michael Allen, his site has a wide variety of articles that can help reduce stomach fat.